Title: Shattered (3/?) (Part One)
Author: his_angel16
Pairing: BangLo, DaeJae, HimUp
Genre: Angst, Comedy
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What happens when you run out of hope; out of things to wish for? Where do you go when the world turns its back on you and you can't stand on your own? For six strangers, all they have left is each other.
“I'm getting really good at lying.” )
Oooooooo I like this. Daehyun and Youngjae are getting closer! So close they even kissed! At least someone is happy in the house.
Ha! The joke that Yongguk made about if Junhong turned into a sadist than he would become a masochist!And then when he says it the second time and turns around and Junhong is there!!! Also, Daehyun you perv you!!! Keep your hands to yourself! Junhong and Yongguk belong togther! Not you and youngjae and junhong!
Loved this once again! Thanks so much for the update. It has made me very, very happy.
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