Dear Ms. TNav,
I wish I could have a chance to tell you how much you meant to me. You're class was one of the few classes in high school I got excited about. I know I won't have minored in creative writing if it weren't for you. You gave me something to be passionate about, something to look forward to, a challenge. In your class I found my voice. I was shy, quite, and reserved but you helped me learn how to express myself through words. You gave me projects that were meaningful. In your class, I was the only sophmore. Why? Because, as always, when my advisor tried to force me into doing a five year plan I freaked out. I remember spending the whole class period overwhelmed because I didn't know what I wanted to do or who I wanted to me. When the time was up I started crying because there were too many options. My counsellor finally asked me which classes looked interesting. I told her creative writing and digital media. (I'm crying now just thinking about how God has a sense of humor because here I am, Mass Communications (Videographer) Major and Creative Writing Minor when back then I had NO idea what I wanted to be. I still don't but I didn't realize how these decisions shaped my future.) Anyway, my councellor told me creative writing was only for Juniors and Seniors and I was to be a sophmore. I was so stressed and overwhelmed with these decisions so she told me she would take care of it and I wound up in your class. In your class I wrote a lot of dark, emo things because that was in back then but also because it was easy. I struggle with writing happy positive things. My college biology teacher made me write an essay on positive thinking because I was so negative years later when I went to her class. Anyway, you saw my writing as beautiful and you always gave back good constructive criticism. The poems and short stories I wrote for your class got me through university. I actually saw you when I interviewed mrs. edwards for mass comm paper. You seemed differen. I wish I would have stayed and talked to you longer or emailed you. Ms. TNav you were such a wonderful teacher. I admire you for all you put up with. The whole world has felt the echo of your loss just like Dwaynes. I think about you a lot and i'm so sad you are no longer here. I wish you weren't gone. I remember when Nathan Fergeson took his life when I was a freshman. I didn't quite understand how dark the world actually is and how someone could do such a thing. The older I get the more I realise how easily one could fall into a depression. How our own thoughts can be twisted against us. How once someone goes into a negative spiral, without change, they could be driven mad. I just wish I could have provided you with some friendship or some words of hope. I wish someone would have. Your class was where I fell hard for a moron... a moron you thought was a moron no less. Stupid high school. Stupid high school and one of the best teachers I had is now gone. I wasn't even close to you , just a student, and here I am crying for you... You mean more to me than a facebook post so i can only imagine how your family feels. I think about you constantly. You, Dwayne, Brady, Nathan, Frankie, Leslie and everyone else gone too soon. <3 Prayers of peace to your families.
This is for anyone reading this even though it's directed towards girls. YOU MATTER <3
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