I found this note that i wrote last summer during summer school that I made when life was unsure. It was right before I went to Spain.
My Future:
Having a lovely home
Maybe more than one
Seeing things others can only imagine
Going on mission trips
Giving to the church
Visiting Family
Taking random classes just for the fun of it
Living high key
Living low key
Saving money
Live like hobos
Just to see what poverty is like
Not much TV or PC
Having a garden
Sleeping in
Running Marathons
Crossing things off out bucket lists
Baby siting
Being Awesome
Give back
Hosting Parties
Waking up early to watch the sun rise
Star Gazing
Reading Writing
And that's what I wanted my future to look like with my husband haha
Of course he will have his own list and hopefully its semi similar and we can merge them
and cross things off together.
I used to think everyone wanted these things but im starting to realize some people actually dont like to travel! It seems so insane to me. Some people are uncomfortable around people some people are uncomfortable by themselves. There is so much difference in this world and thats what makes it beautiful.
I just want to know how I get from who I am not to the above. The adult life is so different than i expected. I am thankful for college because it made my world 3 denominational when it used to be flat. It through me through some battles and I overcame all of them because I graduated with honors. I know a lot of people can say that a lot of people dropped out of college. I've already learned the problems I faced in college are nothing compared to the ones in the adult life but if i wasn't faced with them then maybe i wouldn't have been able to overcome these. Life is like a battlefield. You are always battling something even if only time. Sometimes life seems long and never ending but other times its short and almost over. When I look at that list it makes my life feel short.
Anywho, music. I love it. I wish i could listen to music all the time. I've never really been so connected with it before. I guess driving everywhere has given me a new love for it. AND I miss the 90's
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and movies.
and carefree things and such.