Aug 10, 2010 04:37
1: don't need to contain enemy at his natural. actually, leaving only a ling or a burrowed roach there is a better idea
2: spread overlords throughout base
3: if there are any questions, use shift-changeling
4: take your third base if you've denied his second
5: first attack > overlord speed
6: burrow is sex, research it right now... no, not later, right now, as soon as you remember
7: spore crawlers don't cost gas
8: if you deny his natural, get ventral. hell, get every tech upgrade
9: if you deny his natural, he will play dirty - defend yourself appropriately
10: nydus worm his natural; build tumors
11: spire costs 200 gas; 3 mutalisks is so valuable that you should always, always make one "at that time"
12: vs. protoss, if you don't scout multiple gateways, make hydras asap
13: void rays have 250 hp, but no armor and cost 250 minerals/150 gas - your opponent is really behind if he makes more than 2
14: corruptors cost 100 gas too. wtf blizzard
15: greater spire 150 gas, infestation pit 100 gas, hive 100 gas. GO HIVE DO IT NOW
16: make another overseer
17: upgrades upgrades upgrades
18: spore crawlers have detection but only when burrowed. they also have to burrow all the way
19: upgrades upgrades... at the spire upgrades upgrades
20: just keep teching, don't stop ever
21: just keep expanding, don't stop ever