Added rules for weapon buff spells (not TW mod spells)
Adjusted Death Strike (Necromancy) to be a weapon buff
Added an area effect to Stench of the Dead (Necromancy) and clarified its effects on EBA
Clarified a few things on Insect Swarm (Necromancy) and Summon Vampires (Necromancy)
Slightly adjusted Rust vs. composite armor
TWs can now cast Negate Mechanics without TW penalties
Slightly adjusted Lifeblast (old change)
Clarified rules for flying out of Carpet
Began work on elemental magic
Quicksand radius nerfed, moving in quicksand clarified
Rust given incremental range and damage (re: is now awesome)
Sand Storm APM penalty slightly nerfed, buffed to have incremental diameter, made movable, many functions clarified
Beat Insurmountable Odds combat effects altered
Errataed Wind Rush more; clarified knockback magnitude and added rules for falling and smashing damage
Adjusted buff rules slightly for more clarity, especially on deflection spells, added rule for armor "refreshing"
Reduced saving throw penalty from Multiple Image; note that it apparently only creates two doubles now (this is an old change)
Clarified that Invul and Domination take 2 melee actions to cast (when in doubt, if it's level 8+, it takes more than 1).
Noted that Spinning Blades usually destroys the material component and listed the situations in which it does not
Clarified the effects on Sub-Particle Acceleration on energy canisters, and added a ritual version
Buffed Luck Curse more
Havoc is now a single action spell
Mental Blast touch effect slightly buffed, ranged effect more detectable, mind block adds extra protection
Life Drain area effect removed, range doubled, clarified that the effect is not cumulative (doesn't quarter HP or anything)
Spells 1-7 take one melee action to cast, unless otherwise stated.
Spells 8-12 take two melee actions to cast, unless otherwise stated.
Spells 13-15 take four melee actions to cast, unless otherwise stated.
Spells of Legend vary widely; not like any of you kids are ever going to get one. If you do, we'll discuss limitations.
Spell strength applies to rituals. Only the spell strength of the strongest caster applies.
Base saving throws are 12 for spell, 16 for ritual, before applying spell strength.
Spell strength might be augmentable by magic items, but no TW item is capable of this. Sorry.
There are a lot of "save or die" spells in this game. Enjoy.
When APM is 'reduced by x', round up.
Spells that may be cast as a free action may be cast in lieu of a parry.
Shifter: Battle of wills is done via ME, not MA (wtf does charisma have to do with willpower)
TWs can wield TW devices better than other characters in the following ways:
- A TW can regulate the caster level of his device down to the minimum level.
- A TW may cancel active effects of TW devices he is using.
- Effects created by TW devices use the operating TW's spell strength for the purposes of dispelling.
- TW-wielded dispel devices use the TW's saving throw versus magic.
- TWs can wield TW devices without weapon proficiencies, at level 1 proficiency. In order to be qualified for this, the weapon's delivery system must be TW in nature.
- TWs can also wield TW devices without the weapon systems skill, if the weapon is TW-guided.
A character has a limit of six total buff effects. No more than six non-divine buffs may be active on any character at any time.
- No distinction is made between magic and psionic buffs, or chi power buffs for that matter
- Enchanted weapon buffs generally do not count unless they affect the weapon wielder, eg. Speed Weapon; CK psi swords do not count (they are a special case), melter psi swords do; see below for weapon buff details
- All shields (eg. Magic Shield, flaming shield tattoo) count; hand-wielded shield devices do not count
- Buffs that debuff the enemy (cloak of darkness, multiple image, psi invis) still count
- Divine buffs don't count, unless I say they do; buffs created by priest magic count
- Instantaneous buffs (sixth sense, timeslip), class trait buffs (magic sense), and permanent/semi-permanent buffs (super abilities, mind block auto) don't count; some, like burster fire field do count (none are currently available to players)
- Deflect does not count due to its short duration, Targeted Deflection counts always even if added to a shield item (as it affects the caster's ability to parry bullets)
- Dimensional Pocket and similar spells do not count
- Debuffs don't count and generally stack without limit; the same debuff is generally not cumulative unless expressed in the debuff's description, even if it comes from a different place of origin
Of those six buffs, only one can be an armor or protection buff
- In order for it to qualify, it must reduce damage or provide MDC
- Unlike other buffs (which fail if the buff limit is exceeded), new armor buffs overwrite old ones (allowing casters to refresh before the armor is completely expended)
- Chromatic Protection is just a normal buff, in the same category as psi invis
- Resist Poison, Disease, and similar are normal buffs, even though RP resists poison damage
- Energy Field and other static barriers aren't buffs at all
- Anti-Arcane counts, Spell Shield does not
- Invul counts even if the MDC is depleted
Weapons have their own buff cap; that buff cap is 1, but each weapon may be separately enchanted
- Subdue, Charm Weapon, Temporary Enchantment, Power Weapon, Speed Weapon, and all other similar and future buffs count as weapon buffs
- Yes, Speed Weapon counts as a character buff and a weapon buff
- Inherent or magical weapon properties do not count as weapon buffs, eg Shield of Invincibility's myriad buffs, TW items, etc.
- New weapon buffs overwrite old weapon buffs, much like armor buffs
- Charm Weapon and similar buffs only overwrite if they succeed
Blinding Flash: No falling chance if the person is trying not to fall; common sense applies here. Obviously if someone is blind and they are running, they will stumble and shit. Duh.
Cloud of Smoke: Penalties apply also for anyone trying to attack into the cloud. Thermals, see aura, and similar smoke-viewing optics can see through this without penalty. AoE into the cloud is not affected if the splash is bigger than the cloud; otherwise, it still is.
Sense Evil: Overt evil (miscreant/diabolic-aligned) intentions are noted in the effects of this spell. Spells cast by an evil-aligned mage or a selfish mage with evil intent are also noted.
Sense Magic: If magic is part of a creature's nature, it can be detected all the time.
Thunderclap: -5 initiative, -1 combat to anyone affected. Standard save. HF is a separate save (roll twice). Does not give the caster bonuses. Can affect allies unless the intent to use the spell is announced in advance (like, the action before) but if enemies hear, they will also not be affected.
Chameleon: The speed is somewhat increased; generally, 70% if stealthing, 20% if walking, 0% if anything faster. This is a separate detection check from Prowl; if this is successful, Prowl gains +15% bonus.
Climb: Adds 30% to climb skill if it is known to climb unclimbable surfaces.
Concealment: The size and weight of this is increased to be able to cover any man-portable weapon system, up to about 25 pounds.
Extinguish Fire: This spell can be used as a held action to dispel fire attacks such as breath weapons or plasma weapons. Intent must be stated at the time of the held action.
Fear (Horror Factor: 16): This spell activates every melee round until it expires. The duration of the fear is one melee round.
Heavy Breathing: Effect changed; fear is treated as a failed HF save (-1 apm; -1 combat). Effect duration is 1 round. Caster can move the effect on his turn as a free action. Effect only activates at the start of each round. If the caster decides to move in a way that the spell leaves the spell's maximum range the spell remains where it is unless the caster moves it. If he does so, it must be moved to within 60' of the caster.
Levitation: Horizontal movement is possible using normal laws of physics.
Mystic Alarm: At the caster's discretion, the alarm may be audible.
Decrease Weight: Has no effect on firearms, other than reducing their encumberance.
Breathe Without Air: This does not prevent exposure to space or water pressure.
Energy Bolt: 4d6 SD or 2d6 MD; ley line influence is normal.
Fuel Flame: This can be used as a held action to increase the damage from an ally's fire or plasma weapon by 50% for one attack. It will also double the blast radius of a fire or plasma area effect attack. It must be used as a held action to achieve this effect. The ally or the target must be within the spell's range.
Impervious to Fire: All fire, magic, psi, plasma, heat radiation has no effect. The sun has no effect on you, aside from the blinding and the gravity thing. This spell does jack shit for vampires and daylight though.
Impervious to Poison: Affects magic poisons.
Light Target: Range is 500ft + 100ft per level.
Negate Poison: Same thing as Impervious to Poison.
Magic Shield: If the caster is man-sized or smaller, he can hide behind the shield and use it as cover.
Wave of Frost: This can be used to blind optics of environmental helmets. It only takes 2d4 melee actions to scrape the ice off.
Carpet of Adhesion: Save negates. Supernatural PS 19+ is slowed 50%, getting up takes three melee actions instead of one and attempting to fly out of the carpet is a 3-action movement. Supernatural PS 35+ is not affected. People with less than Supernatural PS 19+ are still owned if they fail their save.
Chromatic Protection: Characters buffed by this spell automatically fail prowl checks, as though hit by Light Target. The effect fires in all circumstances. This spell does not affect powered armor users or anyone not actually looking at the target. Polarized visors (typically multi-optics) also block this spell.
Deflect: Functionality changed. This spell can be cast as a free action. Until your next turn, you may parry projectile attacks. You gain a +1 to parry. WP Shield, if present, applies. Deflects throw attacks in a random direction 1d4*10 meters away. You may make a second parry roll (no +1 bonus) in order to deflect the blast away from friendlies as per the spell description; however, it is not guaranteed to hit a friendly even on a low roll (just that you didn't prevent it). This deflect cannot block missile volleys.
Electric Arc: This spell can be cast as a free action. If the character has WP: Paired (Spells), it can be dual wielded with no extra cost.
Fire Bolt: Double range (200ft)
Magic Net: Magic/psi blade weapons take 2d4 melee actions to break out. Vibros take 1d4 rounds. If you have the Escape Artist skill, you can escape on a successful check if your dodge fails, but only on the initial hit. An escape spell escapes instantly. If you don't have one of these methods, you are fucked. This spell can only be cast once per melee round; magic devices which cast nets can also only be fired once per melee round.
Multiple Image: Does not add any bonuses to dodge or initiative. Still gives +1 to strike. One third chance of any non-AOE attack hitting you, instead of half. Saving throw penalty is only -2, not -4.
Repel Animals: Affects all animals in a 100 foot radius.
Ricochet Strike: This spell can be cast as a free action. It can be cast twice in the same round, and can be paired with WP: Paired (Throwing)
Armor Bizarre: No initiative penalty to opponents.
Charm: The effect of this spell is non-obvious unless the caster makes the recipient overtly do things he would not do.
Domination: Spell level is eight. Cost is 30 MP, takes 2 melee actions to cast.
Energy Disruption: This lasts 3 rounds per level of experience and affects one item. Can't affect robots or powered armor; can affect powered armor weapons. If used as a held action, can disrupt an in-flight missile (kind of a waste of an action).
Escape: This works on spells and magic items of 6th level or lower.
Featherlight: As reduce weight, this spell does nothing to firearms, other than lowering encumbrance.
Heal Wounds: This heals 1d6 HP/SD/MD points per every other caster level. Yes, it heals MD.
Implosion Neutralizer: Can be cast as a free action. This spell works on all explosive effects, including exploding fireball magic. Range is 500 feet + 100 feet/level. This spell may be used to prematurely detonate explosive projectiles in flight, cutting their blast radius by half. Use a parry roll to determine success. Only works on one missile, but can detonate other missiles in the same volley.
Lifeblast: This spell cannot self-target. Range increased to 500ft + 100ft/level. The first round benefit is +1 APM, +1 combat, +2 to all saving throws, +5% to all skills and +20% to save vs. coma. The second round benefit includes +1 to all saving throws, +2 initiative (in addition to listed effects) and doesn't count as a buff (the first round effect does), which lasts for 30 minutes. Lifeblast always does 5d6 damage to any undead with a x2 weakness modifier (meaning 5d6 *2 before other weakness mods), although if the damage is lethal it dispels the undead energy, rather than destroying the corpse. Against a necro, Lifeblast deals 4d6 (*2 weakness mod) damage, destroys appendages, and interrupts, but also deals its damage to the necro's mana (same as the physical damage dealt).
Mental Blast: This spell is moved to level 7, cost 22 mana. Touch effect works on any touch, but is completely prevented by EBA (non-EBA is fine). No effect on FCBs, ever. Ranged attack still works on EBA. All psionics automatically detect the attacker (assuming they survive). An active Mind Block or MBAD automatically functions as a save, plus an additional save for no effect (remember, MB is +2 to save vs. psi).
Superhuman Endurance: This spell adds +4 to PE in addition to its listed effects. If it is lower than 24, raise it to 24.
Superhuman Strength: Gives +6 and makes PS supernatural. If it is lower than 30, raise it to 30. This spell does not affect PE and does not prevent fatigue.
Superhuman Speed: This spell gives the recipient an additional melee action. This spell does not prevent fatigue. This spell increases speed by 25%; if this modified speed is below 44, increase it to 44.
Animate Object: This can be used to animate and operate firearms. Unless the character is a battle magus, this is shooting wild.
Apparition: This always has six melee actions.
Barrage: This spell works differently. Every turn cycle, the recipient is struck by a force bolt until all force bolts are used up. The attacks cannot be parried without an appropriate parrying device, but they do not count as bullets and do not incur the parrying bullets penalty. Getting hit inflicts a -3 on combat actions during the cycle.
Call Lightning: A modified 30 is needed to dodge this. Range is doubled. If cast indoors, it is fired from the mage's hands and has line of sight limitations.
Crushing Fist: This spell can be cast as a free action. Only one fist is enchanted per spell cast. This spell can be dual-wielded by a character with WP: Paired (Spells).
Cure Disease: This spell can cure AIDS and any other viral disease. It cannot cure cancer (use Resto).
Fireball: Range of 120 feet, has a 30 foot blast radius. If used as a held action, can be used to shoot down missiles as though it was a guided missile. In this case, it automatically hits. Fireball TW weapons can be used normally in lieu of dodge actions to shoot down missiles as per SHOOTING DOWN MISSILES NEW HOUSE RULES.
Impervious to Energy: This spell is gay. Duration is 1 minute/level (yes, nerfed).
Targeted Deflection: The attacker cannot parry reflected attacks unless he is using WP: Paired with a held (non-attacking) weapon or a shield. This spell cannot fail to be parried if a successful parry is made.
Time Slip: This spell can be cast as a free action, but may only be cast once per melee round. The caster gains two free melee actions. During this time, the caster cannot take actions that affect beings other than himself, or any items on their person. He may still break windows, open doors and such. He may not affect piloted vehicles. He may not attempt to loophole this in any way that allows him to affect anything else during the duration (eg. throwing grenades).
Ballistic Fire: Range is +100 feet per level, not 10. This spell does 1d6+2 damage per projectile.
Constrain Being: This spell is rad. Doesn't work on dragons or any non-supernatural creature.
Dispel Magic Barriers: This spell is altered to resemble the functionality of Negate Magic. As a refresher, the negating mage attempts to save versus the enemy mage's spell strength. DMB offers a +4 bonus to save for the purposes of this effect. If the spell is cast by an item with no normal spell strength, it is typically the default (12), including TW barriers.
Globe of Silence: Can be dispelled by Dispel Magic Barriers. This is not so much an errata as a clarification.
Heal Self: Heals 1d6 SD/MD per caster level.
Immobilize: If this spell exists in Rifts, it cancels energy weapons fired into the radius. Yes, you can throw grenades into it and they will still go off.
Invisibility (Superior): See the Invisible still works.
Invulnerability: Duration nerfed to 1 melee round, +1 melee round for every 3 subsequent caster levels (1 4 7 10 etc). Cost increased to 40, level increased to 8, takes 2 actions to cast.
Life Drain: This works on lesser supernatural creatures on a mega-scale. This spell does not work against people inside a piloted robot vehicle unless the exact position of the pilot is known. Area effect is removed, including maintained effect (only ever targets a single enemy). Range doubled to 60ft. Debuff is not cumulative.
Mental Shock: This spell is moved to Level 10; it costs 70 mana to cast and takes 2 melee actions.
Negate Mechanics: This spell is ineffective against vehicles and robots unless the character has a related repair skill and can succeed on a skill check (GM discretion as to modifiers). If the character has a piloting skill, the character may check at a -30% penalty. TWs cast this spell without any penalties.
Second Sight: This spell is cheating. It has a saving throw if the person is unwilling.
Spinning Blades: The parrying done by this spell is automatic and requires no effort on the user. The blades use only their own parry bonus, not the user's, and can block bullet/laser attacks at no penalty. They will parry reflected attacks via Targeted Deflection, etc. If a blade successfully blocks an attack, it is destroyed. Note: This spell has a material component; the item must be drawn and in-hand to cast this spell and unless the spell expires naturally, the item is consumed. If the spell has at least one blade remaining, it can be canceled and the item will not be consumed.
Sub-Particle Acceleration: This spell fully restores the energy in a short (pistol) E-Mag, half the energy in a long (rifle) E-Mag, or 1/6 the energy in a canister. It can be used while the magazine is still inserted in the weapon. If cast as a ritual, can fully recharge a canister or power pack (don't cast it on anything smaller~)
Wind Rush: Parry rolls are needed to retain handheld items (target number 18). All targets in the cone of effect are hit with 90 MD of knockback magnitude (no actual damage). SD collision damage if knocked into objects is equal to a 60mph vehicle crash, or a 30mph crash if the recipient simply falls and hits the ground (4d6 per 10mph). As in a vehicle crash, half is applied to armor and half to SDC if the recipients are armored.
Eyes of the Wolf: This power does not grant See the Invisible.
Greater Healing: This spell restores MD health in the same manner that it restores SD health.
Hallucination: Mind Block is 100% protection against this spell.
Invincible Armor: This spell regenerates 1d6 MD per caster level per melee round. This spell is highly visible and makes Prowl virtually impossible -- also illuminates stealth spells such as invis (any), shadow meld, and similar. Cloak of Darkness obscures this spell, as it blocks magical light. This spell takes only one melee action to cast.
Leyline Tendril Bolts: The caster can select the targets. Single targets are still only hit twice. The caster must hit the maximum number of targets possible (won't hit friendlies). This spell does not require an extra attack; it resolves as soon as the spell is cast successfully. This spell takes only one melee action to cast.
Lightning Arc: This spell may be cast as a free action. As per Electric Arc, this spell can be dual wielded without penalty using WP: Paired (Spells)
Luck Curse: The skill penalty applies all the time. Natural 20s do not crit. Death strikes don't deal extra damage. Although Prowl obviously always fails, the character cannot deal a crit by any means, including backstab/stealth crits. Also, the character loses any skilled grappling abilities and the ability to dodge or parry bullets, even if it is granted by other buffs.
Magical-Adrenal Rush: The duration of this spell is nerfed to 1 melee round, plus 1 per every 3 subsequent caster levels (1 4 7 10 etc.) Supernatural strength creatures given this ability gain +2 PS. This spell does not grant any special damage resistance. This spell grants the automatic dodge ability, and gives the ability to parry or dodge bullets and energy blasts without incurring the normal penalty. This spell takes only one melee action to cast.
Negate Magic: The save is determined by spell strength of the enemy caster, the numbers are not indicative. This spell takes only one melee action to cast and is moved to level 6. PPE cost is reduced to 20. This spell can dispel the charge from an active TW device (still requires a saving throw); the item gets no save bonuses unless it was specifically built with them.
Shockwave: The knockback from this spell is changed. Instead, it grants 20 points of kb magnitude for each caster level, in addition to the kb magnitude from its damage.
Sorcerous Fury: This spell may be cast as a free action. WP: Paired (Spells) allows magic bolts to be dual wielded. A mage of good alignment that stops short of attacking friends will automatically cancel the spell as well.
Wall of Wind: Use common sense: things that weigh under two tons will be blown around and do not get a chance to balance jack shit. If one can grab onto something, well... GL with that.
Wisps of Confusion: This spell has a 90 foot range + 20 per level of the spellcaster. This spell takes only one melee action to cast.
Beat Insurmountable Odds: When used in combat, can perform one of four functions. First function is as out-of-combat; auto-succeed on a skill check (spell expires afterwards, treated as rolling a 5%). Second use is to grant a natural 20 on any defense roll (if this is also a skill check, such as a teleport dodge, it is automatically successful). If the defense also includes an attack roll, the attack gains no special benefits. Third use is to grant a natural 20 on any attack roll; this attack does not deal critical damage, unless the user has a non-luck critical modifier, but can be used to inflict a knockout or pin. The fourth use is to grant +4 on all combat rolls, 3 additional parries per turn, automatic dodge, the parry bullets ability, and side flanking immunity (can still be flanked from behind). The fourth benefit only lasts for the current melee round.
Create Steel: 10 pounds of MD steel per level, needs recycled material. Most MD armor is ceramic, btw.
Desiccate the Supernatural: This spell fucking works against anything supernatural; creatures of magic is a fucking gay lameass Sue term and I hate it.
Dragon Fire: This spell grants only one fire blast per melee round, but it is done as a free action.
Giant: Self only. APM bonus removed. Strength bonus only applies to normal strength; if strength is already supernatural, add +8 bonus. Speed increased, not decreased, by 20%. Strike bonus increased to +2. If this spell is TWed into an armor, the armor grows with the character... and gets the durability increase.
Havoc: Range is 500 feet; radius is 30 feet. Damage affects MD hitpoints too. This spell... can be cast as one melee action.
Transferal: Although it isn't obvious, the mage can't cancel this spell manually without contact with the target. Also, this does grant the person use of the spellcaster's maximum mana for the duration of the effect, if they are a caster themselves or have some other way of using mana. Again, if this spell is cast covertly, the recipient will not know he has a boatload of mana unless he is a mage or otherwise uses mana (doesn't work on negas). If the recipient dies before the spell expires, the mage automatically gains his maximum (not current) mana and spellcaster level back.
Plane Skip: This spell does not function as advertised. A player can choose to jump to a location of choice, or use the random chance happening. I will make another table because the existing one sucks.
Reality Flux: This spell has a 200ft/level range.
Speed Weapon: The enchanted weapon double strikes (rather than doubling actions). If the first attack is dodged, the followup is also dodged; if the first attack is parried, the followup gets a free parry attempt at -3. The penalty can be avoided if a shield is used to parry.
Banishment: Dragons are immune. The banishment radius is 1 mile per caster level.
Dimensional Pocket: Duration can be refreshed before the spell expires.
Summon Shadow Beast: This spell creates a much more dangerous creature than the little bitch in the book. I'll figure something out.
Super-Healing: Casting this spell takes four melee actions. It heals 5d6 points of damage (SD/MD, hit points first) per caster level.
Anti-Magic Cloud: This spell takes four melee actions to cast. The base save is 18, plus spell strength. This spell cannot be dispelled. As stated in the spell, rune weapons are immune.
Create Scroll: Anyone who gets this spell and does not abuse it properly should be beaten.
Energy Sphere: A character may only have one at a time. Dispel Magic Barriers deletes it instantly.
Create Golem: Health loss from this spell is not permanent and recovers at a rate of one per month.
Restore Life: Health "permanently" lost is recovered at a rate of one per week, HP first.
Sanctum: Spell strength is included in this spell's effects.
Swap Places: This spell has a saving throw.
Close Rift: No permanent mana is lost from casting this spell.
Restoration: This spell recovers limbs without needing the limb; dude it's fucking 750 mana
Leyline Restoration: This spell does not cause any semipermanent mana lost. Instead, the leyline on which it is cast is half function for one week. Adjoining leylines with a half potency leyline do not form a nexus point.
Summon Greater Familiar: This spell can be used similar to a shifter pact rather than a witch; the creature is not necessarily evil.
Doppelganger (SOL, heh): Character level, mana, ISP etc. are halved; attributes are not. Skills are derived from character level being halved. Skills cannot be reduced below level 0. You will never get this spell anyway.
Necromantic Invocations
Stench of the Dead: Has a 30 foot effect radius. Does not affect people with environmental protection, but blocking only sense of smell is not enough. Holding breath will minimize the effect if it is done in advance, but cannot be done during combat.
Death Strike: Now a weapon buff. Can be cast on self to buff one's natural weapons. The additional damage does not affect any non-living object, including armor or forcefields, but does affect Armor Bizarre and other similar, living magical constructs. The -1 save is rolled with every hit; a success means no bonus damage. If used on an SDC weapon, only the bonus damage is MDC (not the base damage).
Summon Vampires: The vampires are compelled to obey the spellcaster, but it is similar to a shifter pact, and they may interpret orders liberally. This ritual requires several pints of fresh blood to cast.
Summon Insect Swarm: The maximum range is set from the point of origin of the ritual. The insects must be seen to be controlled; enhanced vision works but video imaging does not. This ritual requires 1 ounce of bonemeal and enough mangled corpses of the desired insects to make an 8 foot diameter circle.
Elemental Magic
Quicksand: Effect radius is changed to diameter (5ft diameter/level). Movement causes sinking at a rate of 6 inches per melee action spent moving (and you move nowhere).
Rust: +5 feet per level. Damage dealt is 2d6 MD per caster level, regardless of structure type; will completely degrade structures if the damage is exceeded. Deals half damage to hybrid composite armor.
Sand Storm: +5 feet diameter per level. Sound does not travel through the storm, making sonar/improved hearing useless. If unprotected, has a -1 APM penalty and inflicts full blindness until the turn after leaving the storm (no 2 APM penalty). The storm can be moved by the caster as Heavy Breathing, above, although range is limited to the max range of Sand Storm. Protected characters (the goggles do something) suffer from partial blindness. Characters inside or directly behind the cloud are also partially obscured.