"Ambition makes you look pretty ugly; Kicking, screaming Gucci little piggy"
tonight marked the start of yet another attempt at a)
game development, and b)
test-driven development (hey...it's called a practice for a reason). i decided to go back to
my mousey game, and start over from scratch.
the result after 4 hours or so of coding? a (non-visible) mouse that turns and moves forward, but can't turn while moving forward (intentional - a part of the game design). also achieved: equal parts test- and production-code (basically).
the test-driven thing is rough, particularly for games, because games by nature are thought of as very visual mediums, and test-driven doesn't do too well with graphics (can't exactly write unit tests for pixels). however, it helps to remember that there's a lot under the hood that makes the graphics go, and start with that.
i've still got a long way to go, but this test-driven thing is really growing on me.