So Friday went from good to AWESOME to OH GOD I HATE MY LIFE.
Friday, us wee little summer student labslaves got treated to sushi.
Which is pretty awesome, just in general.
The fact that it was a BUFFET of sushi made it 1000000000X better.
So there's a lovely place called Tokyo One out in Addison. You get in, get a drink, and then they set you loose on the buffet tables, all you can eat, as much as you want. For under twenty bucks- twenty five if you tip nice. And oh dear GOD was it great. Not the best sushi I've ever had, but I got three plates plus a desert plate for two sawbucks, and it was good stuff, no mistake, and it was so. SO. Worth it I can't even. I ate so much shrimp I have probably made myself unkosher forever.
Oh God, so good.
So my birthday plans are now- Tokyo One, Cookie Time, then Swing Dance. We could go to dinner, but they put out more exotic, expensive stuff, and thus buck up the price accordingly, so I think I'm good with lunch.
When we got back to the lab, though, things got. Uh.
So, I have a coworker who is having a shit week. Hir mother went back to Kenya to visit, leaving hir with all five of her younger siblings. So holy shit do I understand that s/he's probably having a stressful week. I think I would kill myself if I had my siblings dumped on me, and I only have two. So I get how sucky that must be. Really.
But really? S/he needed to take the week off. Okay, I get that maybe s/he needs to work all the hours s/he can get. Or maybe hir sick/vacation hours just aren't enough to take a week off. Fine. Take half a week off. Take two days off. Take a day off. Come in late, DO WHATEVER TO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, PLEASE. Do not come into work just to be stressed and not do anything. Trust me, no one would get on your back.
And see, I would still understand if you'd only had this week to change the entire Y building mouse colony. That's not fun work, you're stressed, whatever.
Except you've had all last week to do it, and I KNOW no one has given you any other work to do because of your shitty week. You could have done everything you needed to last week.
But instead you did whatever you were doing, and you still weren't done with the Y colony after TWO WEEKS, okay, you had one more rack to change in there, that was fine. It was even fine, if vaguely annoying, that you weren't actually doing anything besides sitting there when you told Elliot and I to do it. We knew we were going to have to change cages that afternoon, fine.
But the state the J-building colony was in was just unacceptable.
What the fuck.
If we'd had an inspection, we would have gotten reamed so hard that we would not be sitting down till next Christmas.
What the fuck.
The fact that the mice on two racks plus a cart had been living ankle deep in their own excrement for a week is- okay, granted, they are mice, that is what they do, but. NO. The bedding should not be damp and brown and sticky. It's bad, okay? The fact that at least ten cages of mice- mice with BABIES- were down to their last inch of dirty water and three cubes of moist, old feed was reprehensible.
But seriously, fuck you for making me find a dead, dessicated mouse corpse in one of the cages.
It's not just that it had to have been in there for- at best, three days. Probably more like a week. It's not just that if we'd had someone come in there to inspect, that mouse would have equaled a hundred times its weight in paperwork and citations, and quite possibly could have reflected badly on our tech, who is sweet and brought us doughnuts and who I like a whole lot better than you right now. It's not that it had been in their so long its bretheren had eaten its entire skull, which, by the way, thanks for making me remember that childhood trauma. It's not that I walked into the colony and could tell that we had a dead mouse by the smell. It's not that I had to find it ALONE, while Elliot was downstairs getting more cage tops. It's not that the only thing keeping me from spewing everywhere was sheer, stupid determination not to puke up delicious, free sushi. It's not the fact that I had to put it in a little plastic blue bag and then go outside and try not to hyperventilate or cry and try to compose myself before Elliot got back.
It's that this is not going to have any repercussions for you. We have a very generous boss, and I love him- hell, he paid for my sushi, so he's aces in my book- but whenever someone complains about you, he shrugs it off, for some reason that I don't get. I'm sure he's going to think this was us ganging up on you, when we told him how bad it was. And that bites.
I am NOT happy with you.
But in happier news, everything is all set for my Sarah app, so everyone cross your fingers for me and hope I get in!
ALSO I am headed to New York City on Wednesday. I will be seeing my aunt and uncle and baby cousin, and will also be visiting the Frick Museum, which BESIDES being an uber-cool private collection of art is where the Avengers Mansion is located in the Marvel Verse.
SO. They apparently sell postcards. I am going to be buying a million ones that show the actually building. If they have none with the building on it, I will be buying ones of pictures and making the subjects all skrully.
If anyone is interesting in recieving one of these postcards, I will gladly send you one! I, uh. Don't know how to screen comments, but you can PM me (I fixed the privacy setting! Yay!) or email me your address at and I will promise not to sell your location to like, Jehovah's Witnesses or Scientologists or whatever. So YEAH.