Interest Icons

Nov 06, 2012 11:40

Since I haven't offered up interest icons in a while, I've decided to do so. It's also been a while since I've posted (not for lack of making icons.)

My rules are as follows:

1. You must be a member or watcher of this community. (The only exception to this rule are people who are on my friends list.)

2. You should have at least a minimum of five interests in your user info. If you do not have interests or interests that I can easily icon, I will ask you for a list of five interests.

3. You must credit who makes your icons. In the past, this has not been a requirement but it's very disappointing when someone asks you to make icons for them and they don't credit.

I will take up to 15 people. I may take more but to start, let's limit it to 15.

01. dine7184
02. dragonydreams
03. creamsicklesky
04. scandalbaby
05. serialbathera


As a side note, I know a few people with multiple journals. If you want me to make you interest icons for a specific journal that does not have the community friended (or is a member), that's fine. Let me know in the comments section what journal you'd like to me get your interests from.

!maker: aaronlisa

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