It's been how long...?

Jul 24, 2010 23:26

So, I'm living in Shoreline right now. I've got a very part-time job in Seattle, doing cruise ship check-in on weekends. I'm looking for more work, and getting interviews at least. If more income starts coming in soon, I'll be living in an apartment of my own in August.

Leaving Bellingham wasn't a hard decision; the hard part was admitting that staying was doing me no good. Leaving was very easy after that. I don't miss the place, not yet at least. Seattle is large, busy, full of people I don't know, and that's exciting! Within a week of leaving Bellingham I got a job and a lovelife. Both are very part-time, and somewhat temporary (certainly the job is; lovelife is just a little complex), but the point is that they are present and worthy. Perhaps the most important part is that those things give that boost of confidence and esteem so necessary to getting back on top of life.
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