Just a quick roundabout of the last few days/weeks. Updates and the like....
- So, first things first, I picked up Batman: Arkham Asylum last night for the X-Box 360. I joked while online waiting that it was the first real Batman game since the original Batman on NES (ahh, the wall climbing glory!) and it has certainly lived up to that possibility. I'm about five percent through the actual game content (thereabouts) doing the first steps of walking through the game and picking up the plot. Mark Hamill's VO work as The Joker (Jack was great; Heath Ledger unparallelled, but for all that, Luke Skywalker is my Joker) and Kevin Conroy's as Batman really give it an edge, despite the association with a 'kid friendly' animated series. It's atmospheric, brutal and scary, the best part of which early on is that you need to be smart as hell and avoid getting shot at, because guns HURT and you have none. The integration of "Detective Mode" makes it more than just a slug fest, which is important as Batman is the world's greatest detective. I highly HIGHLY recommend it.
- My new car is running great. It makes me very happy.
- I'm working on a new PC: Nosferatu (lax) Crone Psychologist by the name of Dr. Adrian St. Claire. He's probably going to be southern (Thinking Virginia-ish) and I'm looking for ties (and a sire). Timeframe is completely arbitrary at this point, but he needs to have been embraced AFTER the advent of what I call 'the Victorian Asylum.' Thinking very Arkham Asylum, The Road to Wellville, the episode of Quantum Leap that still gives me the creeps and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. He can basically be anything from ten to fifteen years embraced up to a hundred fifty or so (but I'd prefer under 30 years). So I am really looking for a sire and for cool ties. Hit me up HERE (or in comments) to connect. There is also wiki-ing available HERE.
- Work is work is work. It is blech. Having a bad few weeks sales wise, but I'm plugging on.
- I met someone from DC at the Midnight release of Arkham. I know things I shouldn't know. I kinda get how Rose felt after she brought the TARDIS back to satellite five in "The Parting of the Ways" with the heart of the TARDIS stuck in her head. Yikes. And all this in time for my copy of Blackest Night #1 and my Black Lantern Ring to come today.
That's all for now.