Aug 08, 2005 10:24
New Requiem PC, looking for connections - General things
Ventrue Invictus with strong leanings towards the LS
Comes to NYC in the 50s/60s after his sire goes willingly into torpor in Italy
Is around for a while, making friends and connections, being generally amiable
Something happens, some grevious injury puts him down
He wakes up - now.
Yes, I'm aware that this is prime for him to be completely fucked over by the STs. That's the point.
On a semi related note...
(RANT) You know what, if one more person whines at me about retiring Monty, I'm going to lose it and start hitting things, human, fleshy things. Who are you to know if I enjoyed playing the character? Who are any of you to say that 4 months isn't long enough, or that I never played him to know what was happening with him. Just because you like to have my character around doesn't mean I should play a character I don't enjoy. And don't say it was with 'nary a word' either, as I've been bitching about him and about Requiem just about since the onset. The character never fit... and I think I finally realized why. Monty is Hiro. He's almost a carbon copy. Presence, Potence, Celerity becomes Majesty, Vigor and Celerity. It's Hiro if he got his wish and was able to become a half setite, half toreador. And the thing was, Hiro never had any forward movement. He was a grunt. Beside some great individual RP with Dom, he did nothing. Hunter, also, is a cog in the machine. i want to play a different character... someone more ambitious... even Gustov, my character in J&S is a cog in the machine who had his goals as a PC completely wrecked game one.... and I've never played a ventrue or someone who was cut of the cloth of kings who felt he was able, and wanted to take up power. So anyone who has a problem can blow me long and hard :-D (/RANT)
Will have a better timeline and character concept up for all of you who want connections later.