Title: Nobody's Perfect (Except Me?)
Characters/Pairings: Yokoo feat HiroSuke
Rating: General
Warnings: It's just for fun....un-beta fic so please forgive my mistakes (English not my language)
Summary : Wataru describes his best friends....
Word Count : 469
I have two friends, of a very different personalities and characters. They are so close to me but to each other, they’re like the same pole of magnet, repelling each other. They argue a lot, even for simple silly things like who wants to sit on my right side in class or who’ll walk me home. They annoyed me but that’s how I live my life happily.
“I’m sorry to say this but as far as I know since born, our kind born with pretty pointed ears but you….” This was where it all started. Taisuke, who always will start the fight, loves to tease my other friend.
“Says who? There’s no such thing like, our kind MUST have that figure. But I’m not sure about born with a messy curly hair though….” Hiromitsu, will always give his cynical smirking face when being shot with those kind of ‘compliment’. He’s calm but still, a bit sensitive.
“That’s what we call unique, Mitsu. And, our kind created with long slender figure. I wonder what species are you…” Taisuke, even though he’s a bit younger, he never make that disadvantage stops him from keep complaining about the older one.
“Unique eh….what about, our kind has a very fair smooth skin….I repeat, FAIR even if we'll be under the sun for the whole of our life….” Hiromitsu shot back with a sharp look, top to toe of his opponent.
“Look who’s talking…..Pardon me but are you sure you belong to us? Not being picked up from some unknown forest?” Taisuke can be a bit harsh and too much of teasing,which may lead to a serious fighting. This is where I played my role.
“Oh come on you two…for god sake, please cut this nonsense off! I’m tired of listening both of you 'complimenting' each other…..nobody’s perfect, rite?” Both my buddies show dissatisfied faces.
“What’s wrong with having a cute little pointed nose, and not ears? And, being a bit short doesn’t mean Hiromitsu is not from our kind.” Hiromitsu again put on his smirking face, and about to show he’s winning.
“And does a natural straight hair is a necessity for us? Tanned skin doesn’t mean he’s dark inside.” A small laugh came out from Taisuke’s mouth when he saw Hiromitsu was pulling a face.
“I know both of you didn't born with skin, height and hair like I do but you’re my friends. Even though you have lacks here and there, we still friends.” As I thought, Taisuke and Hiromitsu are fond of my tall figure, a dark straight hair and a fair skin, that’s always lead to this kind of silly argument.
“Excuse us, Mr Wataru! We, for 25 and 27 years we live, have never find an elf with a pair of fangs like a vampire!” The two man-elves walked out of the class, leaving me smiling shyly.
P/S: I hope we can put a life to this community back...