Guys! OMG! We only have to survive one more weekend and then the new season of Heroes is finally here!
This is cause for celebration :D It is also cause for cleaning up a bit around here^^ Let's start by getting all the unstamped applications stamped, ok? Some of these guys have been waiting for AGES and haven't been stamped yet. Most applications only need one more vote, so pleeeeease do them a favor! Ok, that's that. If you notice someone I forgot, then please tell me about it!
Then there is still the matter of the stamps. The ones we have are great, but the person who originally made them is not active in the community anymore. Which means that we currently don't have a stamp-maker who could make new stamps (an Adam Monroe stamp has been requested especially and of course the new season is bound to bring some new characters as well). So, if any of you guys is (or knows) a skilled graphics or fanart maker I'd be forever grateful if you could take on the job of making new stamps for this community. It doesn't have to be a complete set at first (but if you want to do that, then go ahead!), but a couple of the missing characters would already help me out a lot!
(I seem to be on my own here at the moment, mod-wise, which is alright, because right now the comm is not terribly busy, but I am a very, very un-talented graphics maker, so ANY help regarding that would be AMAZING!)
Ok, that's it for now. Please get to voting and keep up the good work! ;-)
And enjoy the season premiere of Heroes on Monday!!! *squeeee* :D
Your mod,