so here is my attempt to write something everyday -- everyday figuratively, just an allusion to consistancy. mostly likely, it will be just every once in a while. ive always vaguely wanted to be a writer, and a truck driver. its purely a result of dear mr. henshaw. that book was significant in my life. i think it was the first book that i considered 'real'.
i suppose i wanted to be a truck driver more than a writer really. the young protagonist's (a sapling of an aspiring author) often absent father was a truck driver. i imagined, in vivid colors, along with him, the father driving through miles of nothing punctuated by truck stops of hot dogs and arcade games. arcades used to be just one quarter and i though the world would be complete if i just had five bux of dispensible cash.
a few weeks back i went up to martha's vineyard with my roommates. it was high times, sailing, swimming on the beach, seals and shit.
spiders webs at dawn
some vivid dreams lately, ah. life.