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May 04, 2006 12:02

Bored at work... time for an update

My relationship to my job has changed a LOT lately. With an end date in sight and the promise of new work on the other side... I. really. don't. care. about. this. job. anymore.

The thing that is amazing about that is how liberating that is. I have a completely different feel while at the office now. I am still doing the work, I do have pride in a job well done, but the stress is gone. I’ll get done what I get done and then I’ll leave.

We have the startings of an end date: July 7th probably. There are still some details to work out, like the fact that they hired me “on contract” for the first month instead of having a probation clause like most normal employers. Of course, since I was not invoicing them, or working from home, and I went on to work in the exact same capacity for another 11 months… that is illegal. I wouldn’t care except that it impacts my ability to collect EI.

And I need to protect my ability to collect EI. I have my internship with UNITE-HERE for 8 weeks, with promising signs for the possibility to get a full-time contract after, but that contract is not guaranteed by any means (as I learnt the hard way last year with my experience with SEIU). So there is a chance that I’ll be unemployed come September and I need to plan for the worst scenario rather than the best.

Interestingly the company I work for is going to go through some major changes. One of the managers recently announced he was leaving around the same time my contract is up and another researcher told me last night that she will likely take a contract working in the student movement. This all follows on another researcher quitting last fall. All in all, a company with 13 staff is going to have only three people who have worked there more than a year. Even if I didn’t have this UNITE-HERE gig to move on to, I think it’s a good time to bail out. Though if any of you out there have a master’s degree and an interest in researching the business practices of companies for the environmental/social responsibility, let me know, I may be able to hook you up.
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