So I picked up Shiny Toy Guns' latest Album (Season of Poison [2008]) and their single 'Major Tom'.
First, there's a few song on the album that I really like. When Did This Storm Begin, Ghost Town, I Owe You a Love Song, and Frozen Oceans.
Second, Major Tom is an excellent remake of the Major Tom (Coming Home) by Peter Schilling. My favorite line from it is
"Earth Below Us,
Drifting, Falling
Floating Weightless,
calling home." They have a few dance mixes based off the song that I also picked up.
And apparently Major Tom is a popular musical figure.. by David Bowie ("Space Oddity," "Ashes to Ashes," and "Hallo Spaceboy"), used by Peter Schilling ("Major Tom (Coming Home)"), Stefan ("I'm A Soldier"), K.I.A. ("Mrs. Major Tom"), Def Leppard ("Rocket", and Five Star ("Rain or Shine") to name a few.
What else is there?
The Road (2009)
An alright film if overly done. Flawed premise that a global catastrophe managed to detroy all plant and animal life apart from Humanity... Bah. The kid turns out to have more Humanity than his father.
Daybreakers (2010) A vampire film showing the flawed society that resulted from the promise of immortality, unless you stepped outside during the day. A good romp that doesn't get overly preachy, even about the corporate a-hole that has someone turn his daughter.
The Expendables (2010)
Holy Crap. This was an awesome film that had almost all the action stars of our generation in it. Okay plot, lots of gunplay, semi-realistic battle (no funky bullet nonsense). It's a popcorn flick to be sure, and a total guy's film.
Game news next time. Toodles!