They had it on sale.
I got it VERY cheap.
I got more than I wanted.
I got a free bag. Free carry-case.
I got the top-of-the-line model.
I didn't get the cheaper one I wanted.
I only got one power cable, not two.
But that's okay.
Because it's mine.
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You have forfeited your soul and you are doomed! DOOMED I tell you!!!
And I own a Neuros WonderBrick, wear loose tees, have a goatee, and piercings make me shudder.
But what else was I going to buy? A DELL? *shudder*
As are shoulder spikes, but I see you're still rockin' the antiques.
Besides, last I heard is that you lost Latveria to some guy in leather armor and a green cape. If you can't hold onto small 3rd World countries, what room do you have to talk?
I thought you looked a little pudgy.
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