Title : Moments That Makes Us
Author :
hiro_chanPairing : Roger Federer / Stanislas Wawrinka
Rating : PG
Warning : if there's such thing - too much fluff ;).
Disclaimer : ... I wish this was real.
Notes : I totally have no idea what happens, but looks like i've been bitten by a fluff muse. This will come in the form of small ficlets, and I might add to these later when new inspirations strike, but for now, enjoy this one. As always, comments and constructive criticism are always craved for :).
There are a lot of moments that Stan can always recall fondly, in his relationship with Roger. And amongst them, Stan particularly loves the way Roger always makes him feels that he matters a lot to the older man. He loves the surprises that Roger often has for him, so random that he can never be prepared for it. He loves the moment when Roger talks to him about his secrets, his problems, his worries, like it doesn't matter if he knows about it all. And at the risk of sounding like a girl, he loves the flowers that Roger gives him on all the special days, loves the gifts and the sweets and the cakes on any other day that Roger randomly feels they should celebrate - even if there is nothing to celebrate, they'll make up of something, silly things like the commemoration for the day Stan won a math competition in his second grade, or commemoration for the day Roger got bitten by a dog in his uncle's farm.
But Stan has one moment that he loves more, above all else. And that moment, when it happens again and again, never fails to make him weak on the knees.
It is the moment when they meet again after a period of separation. He loves watching Roger's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree (and because then he'll know that Roger still wants this, still looking forward to this as much as he is), and the smile that holds so many promises in it. And when finally they are alone, this is the moment that Stan loves the most, when they kiss, and kiss and kiss, as if trying to make up for all the kisses that fail to happen because of the separation, and then Roger will lean his forehead against his, their nose touching, and Roger will murmur, his hand stroking Stan's neck and his warm breath sweeping on Stan's lips, “I've missed you, Stanley.”
Stan loves it, because it makes him feels needed, and there are times when he needs to be needed. And this knowledge that Roger misses him, this knowledge that he has this power, this importance to someone like Roger, it's sometimes indescribable.
It is his favourite moment, when Roger murmurs those words, and Stan will reply, in hushed excitement, his fingers tangling with Roger's curls, “I missed you too,” and let himself be swept away by the kinds of emotions that Roger and only Roger makes him feel.
There are a lot of moments that Roger can always recall fondly, in his relationship with Stan. Amongst them, Roger particularly loves the moment when Stan shows that he loves him without really realising that he's doing it. Roger loves the small, seemingly insignificant things that Stan does - like making him a perfect cup of tea or coffee, because he knows exactly how many spoons of sugar needed to make it just right for Roger. Roger loves the way Stan often absently tuck Roger's stray curl behind his ear, how Stan knows exactly what kind of bread that Roger likes, the TV series that Roger enjoys (though he makes a point to still fight for the remote control trying to watch his own favourite programme - because he knows that Roger enjoys the banter), the car freshener that is not too strong for Roger's sensitive nose, and the rituals that Roger goes through before bed.
But there is one moment that Roger loves most, more than any other moment that is scattered over the days that make him warm and loved. And that moment, when it happens again and again, never fails to make him feel humbled.
It is the moment in the afterglow of their love making, as they lay together trying to catch their breaths, trying to focus back to the real world that they've reluctantly gone back to from the height of their orgasm. Roger will always turn his head towards Stan then, so the younger man is the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes, and he'll watch him, watch him, the slightly parted lips that Stan's still breathing through, the slow evening out of the rise and fall of Stan's chest, and the closed eyes. And then Stan's lips will curl into a small, contented smile, and as his breathing slows down, he'll take a deep, deep breath, and then in the stillness of the room, he will breath out, “I love you, Roger.”
He says those words in a quiet, peaceful sigh, and there is something in the way that Stan says them that makes Roger feels that those words come from the depth of Stan's soul, and without fail, it always makes shivers run down his spine. When those words come, they never fail to make Roger feel humbled in the face of such deep, deep love and trust, oh such trust, that are laid down in front of him.
When Stan opens his eyes and stares back at him, almost dreamily in the way that he always does, Roger will kiss him, and pulls him into his arms. And he'll whisper into Stan's ear, “I love you more, Stanley. I love you more,” knowing, knowing, that no matter how often this moment playing out throughout the reminder of his life, he will never be tired of it.