Yay, LOST! The last episode was amazing... little!Sawyer is so cute!
So, anyhow, four drabbles here, all exactly one hundred words. *is very proud of self*
Title: Sunset
Characters: Mentions Jack, Sayid, Locke, Boone, and Ethan
Genre/Rating: PG, Drama/Action
Summary: As the sun settles, so does something else: dread.
It was sunset.
All around the camp, fires blaze, their flames licking the night air and casting shadows on the survivors. Jack, Sayid, Locke, and Boone are watching, waiting, hoping their vigil will not be fruitless. Ethan was out in the woods somewhere, and he was going to kill someone.
The sun's last gleam fades behind the tree canopy, and then sinks beneath the sea, leaving behind red streaks in the air. But all too soon, they are swallowed up by the inky black night. Never before has a sunset held so much terror.
Darkness falls, and the fires burn.
Title: Broken Heart
Characters: Charlie, Claire, mentions Ethan
Rating/Genre: PG/PG-13, Angst
Summary: Recovery takes time.
When Claire screamed, "Who are you people?!" at them, the knife in Charlie's heart drove itself in a little further, and the seams began to crack, slowly but surely.
When Claire didn’t remember anything that had happened to her since the flight, the knife began working its way to the center of his heart, producing agony with every movement.
When Claire was used as bait, it broke, a million and one pieces falling to the floor. Ethan was shot. Charlie killed a man.
But when Claire remembered peanut butter, an angel picked up the pieces and placed some back in.
Title: Losing All Reason
Characters: Charlie (mentions Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Ethan, and Claire)
Rating/Genre: PG-13, Action
Summary: Nothing could make up for what Ethan did.
A wild rage came over him, an animalistic madness that had swallowed all reason and logic. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Sayid stood around Ethan, but they weren't torturing him. They were talking- talking. As if anything they could say would make what he did to Claire less horrible.
Talking wasn't good enough. There weren't any words in any language to describe the hate that coursed through his veins. And so he shot the gun.
Once he started, he could not stop. One, two, three, four times he shot, and then there were no more bullets. He did not regret it.
Title: Trust
Characters: Jack, Kate, and Sawyer
Rating/Genre: PG, Drama
Summary: "You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment unless you trust enough." -Frank Crane
He looked over and saw Kate, laughing and smiling... with Sawyer. He remembered when she used to laugh with him, at his jokes. He wondered if Sawyer had any tattoos. Maybe that didn't matter to Kate. Sawyer was wild, mysterious, unpredictable; he, however, was the same, uptight, self-sacrificing "hero" as he had been the day the plane crashed down.
But what really hurt him was that Kate could count on Sawyer to never question her, never expect answers, never think she was untrustworthy. She knew Jack didn’t trust her, and it turned her away. That was where he blew it.
Cross-posted to
charlie_claire, and here.