Title: untitled at the moment...
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Lily Potter, James Potter, Voldemort, and Harry Potter
Rating: G-PG(for mention of violence/death)
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. Last time I checked I wasn't J.K. Rowling I was a poor college student. No money being made here. Also, there is no beta here at this point, and it was written very quickly so revising will probably take place at some point soon, so yes any mistakes are mine. If you should notice any please feel free to point them out and I will do my best to fix them. Thanks...
Summary: Lily's thoughts in those final moments.(Lame yes I know, but hey it works...right?)
True bravery, she had always thought, was not being without fear but instead taking that fear and molding it; making it work for you so that you could get past it. Lily Potter (James always made the joke that he would happily let the world know he was James Evans-Potter. Lily would laugh and flop as gracefully as one could flop, which really wasn't that gracefully truth be told, into his lap and do her best to distract him from whatever it was he was pretending, very successfully sometimes, to read)couldn't stop this thought from floating through her head as she ran up to the stairs to her son's room.
From the moment that Lily had been told that she, James and Harry needed to go into hiding she had done her best to hide her own worries. She couldn't help anyone if she let them see her upset. The night that they had been given the news she had excused herself saying that she should start packing. The room had been dark, she hadn't made any move to turn on the light as she took several deep breaths. Her movements were mechanical as she had packed. She was barely paying any sort of attention to what was going in other than yes there were two socks. By the time that she had packed one bag she had made some sort of peace with it all. Her family would be safe no matter what they had to do to stay that way and she held onto that like some sort of prayer as they began the process of moving and choosing their secret keeper and then doing all the necessary magic.
Now, Lily frantically ran slamming the door behind her. She couldn't think about James now, who was downstairs trying to give them sort some of chance to get away. She knew it was a lost cause, but she also wasn't done by any stretch of the imagination. She stood her ground when Voldemort entered and she hoped that nothing other than fierce determination showed on her face as she told her to take her instead. She knew he wouldn't and when she heard him start the curse she was almost thankful. She couldn't escape but she was certain, though she didn't know how, that Harry could. I love you, Harry. You're father and I loved you, more than our own lives. No one can take that away from you. It was her last thought as the green light, what irony that it was the same color as her eyes and those of her son, took over her world and she thought she heard someone scream but it was distant and didn't matter anymore. Harry would live, that mattered.