I suppose I'll make this a FAQ post? Ask me anything! Though I don't think there's much that's worth asking me.
EDIT: for any of you still hanging around here, note that
9th Ave has been providing fine translations at a regular pace, so hop over there for your textual No.6 needs.
Where can I find the end cards?
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[Based on snippits floating around, it sounds like Shion leaves Nezumi behind or Nezumi leaves Shion behind, in some capacity. What is the nature of this? Is Nezumi hurt and asking Shion to go on without him, or does Nezumi have something to attend to before he reunites with Shion?]
[When Shion later waits for Nezumi's return, has he moved back to no.6 and/or reunited with his mother?]
Is this something you can answer?
God I hope the white-out worked. T_T Thanks a million. Your translations bring me so much joy.
You can send a PM if you feel like that's a better way to answer? But here if fine if you don't mind.
As for the second,
[Yes. He's a member of the No.6 reconstruction team, so he should be living in the city now. He reunites with his mother in volume 9, but there's not really a scene of it, it's just mentioned.]
And that's just fine, I knew I was being greedy with that first question, ha! I can certainly wait until you get to that volume, for sure.
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