I suppose I'll make this a FAQ post? Ask me anything! Though I don't think there's much that's worth asking me.
EDIT: for any of you still hanging around here, note that
9th Ave has been providing fine translations at a regular pace, so hop over there for your textual No.6 needs.
Where can I find the end cards?
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Ep 3 /
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oh, and please correct me if i'm wrong--no/ 6 allows ANYONE to get married, but couples need permission to have a child?
(And lol did you mean anything else by capitalizing "anyone"? Well, I'm sure No.6 doesn't allow same-sex marriages because utilizing resources for highest productivity is their priority.)
PS this is dumb and has nothing to do with the novels, but are the ending cards available online in hi-res??
i've seen a beautiful ~see you next week~ pic with dogkeeper in it, and have been googling toi8 like a girl possessed, but so far, no dice. ;________;
Oh, the end cards. Yeah, they're hard to find if you're not lurking for them every week after an episode airs. You'd have better luck downloading the raws yourself and screencapping them orz. Here's the Inukashi one.
As for actual non-TV-cap hi-res, I think the end cards will be included as postcards or something in the BDs. Someone might scan them~
(forgot I was on my other account, reposted. o3o/)
*lives in hope*
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