The Russians are running the DHSS.

Apr 17, 2017 12:04



It first was a rumour dismissed as a lie
But then came the evidence none could deny:
A double page spread in the Sunday Express -
The Russians are running the DHSS!

It's probably because I was younger and hadn't fully understood the intersections of geopolitics, monopoly capital and the military-entertainment complex, but things seemed simpler then. The various Enemies of the State, Enemies Within and Without, Red Menaces and Terrorists who were not to be given the Oxygen of Publicity were far away and from places we knew very little about. Berlin, Bradford and Belfast, mostly.

Perhaps that's why PRNK is so popular with the old people who think they run things right now. It's like Nike or IBM - a brand they understand with a solid concept among ABC1s and iconography with outstanding name-recognition which can be upsold to the Twitterati and their 'four legs good, two legs amusing animal picture' communication style.

Which is a long way round to 'I've abandoned LJ for reasons that are mostly political but partly ennui. I don't know how long the current post-frenzy will last, but you're welcome to follow along on DW. This has all lasted an amazingly long time in internet years.'

I should probably have set up crossposting for this one. It came out better than I expected.

633 squadron, teenage terror totty, super8

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