Beckett Street Cemetery used to be full of blackberries and I used to make lovely jam from them, it's been tarted up and cleared now so no more brambles but maybe it's just as well as not many folks would eat it when i told them where the ingredients came from.
One of the lovely things that grows in Saskatchewan (Saskatoon berries - kind of like a little, more purple blueberry) grow wild all over the place. When they're in season, half the city would decamp to the valley to pick buckets of them to preserve & make jam out of.
One of the best places in Bristol to get brambles and wild garlic is Arnos Vale Cemetery.
Re: Beckett Street - I worked across the road from there at St James's for two years in the early 90s. It never occurred to me to go scavenge for food. Doh!
I used to live near Arnos Vale but only went round it a couple of times - really regret not making more of it when I could have done. No pickings whatsoever at Beckett St now but they are trying to make more of it as a place to visit civic pride-wise, I think they should be shouting more about how it was the first municipally funded cemetery in England.
Beckett Street Cemetery used to be full of blackberries and I used to make lovely jam from them, it's been tarted up and cleared now so no more brambles but maybe it's just as well as not many folks would eat it when i told them where the ingredients came from.
One of the lovely things that grows in Saskatchewan (Saskatoon berries - kind of like a little, more purple blueberry) grow wild all over the place. When they're in season, half the city would decamp to the valley to pick buckets of them to preserve & make jam out of.
Re: Beckett Street - I worked across the road from there at St James's for two years in the early 90s. It never occurred to me to go scavenge for food. Doh!
No pickings whatsoever at Beckett St now but they are trying to make more of it as a place to visit civic pride-wise, I think they should be shouting more about how it was the first municipally funded cemetery in England.
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