Traffic report with Neasden Postlethwaite

Mar 20, 2014 20:46

I think there's a Canadian joke about the seasons being 'Winter, winter, still winter and construction'.

In some mildly geographically-confusing way, we appear to be in mid-construction. Or, more likely, the infrastructure maintenance that The Gummint have put off because of a set of tiresome reasons akin to running a country like a, well, not even a sweetshop. Running a country like a horrible mob of Slater-Walker style asset-stripping spivs? Yes. That. Fuckers. ... has all managed to go wrong at once.

So, in a vague sort of reverse order we find...

One of the southern routes into Bath was subject to a landslide because of Weather. 'Deary me,' went BANES council. 'We don't know what to do about that. Perhaps we should close the road for several weeks to see what happens. Oh, and we're going to close the other southern route because of $reasons.'

Meanwhile, one of the north-western routes into Bath was subject to subsidence because of Weather. 'Deary me,' went BANES council. 'We'll pretend that hadn't been happening for, oh, six frigging months, and close that one for, er, another six months.'

Which pretty much leaves the A4 as The Way between Bristol and Bath. What a shame it is that Saltford is in the way. And there are roadworks.

Currently it's easiest to leave work at about six in order to minimise the queueing. Also lots of working from home.

(Yes there is public transport, but I really do prefer not to have to guzzle beta-blockers in order to be able to cope with it.)

Somewhat closer to home, they've been replacing the sewage lines. And the water and gas ones. Thus over the last couple of months various parts of various routes out of Bristol in the Bath direction have been single-line or mostly just shut.

In short - arseholes.

a37 - gateway to dorchester, all over by christmas, aa book of the road

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