Half-time Christmas report with Neasden Postlethwaite

Dec 26, 2013 11:18

As they used to say in the comics - 'groo'

Caught a bug from some patient-zero or other at work last week which made the weekend an exercise in 'not quite manky enough to stop home', then two days of goldfish brain (no bloody hallucinations. rubbish.), a day of snot yesterday and today seems to be about hacking up both lungs.

+ driving on an empty motorway, face-stuffing, queen, Who (pointed at a set of good SFnal ideas then ran away)

Would be playing 'gone home' but ugh, brains.

Would beetle out to see how packed the cycle-path will be in the sunshine (it's jolly nice out when not shiteing it down) but ugh, lungs.

Would be hacking on some Ruby but ugh, see above.

hot enough for ducks, work avoidance, mustn't grumble

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