Having it devops in the Manchester style.

Oct 14, 2013 19:58

Back at EMFCamp last year, I ended up jabbering about devops (and finding that it made coding fun again) to anyone that would listen and some more that probably wished I'd just shut up and go away. Also at EMF was the chap in charge of Allegro.net, who have made this, which is basically an API for large-scale (inter)network provisioning. Which, wow.

Anyway. They're after Ruby hackers: http://workinstartups.com/job-board/job/7688/software-developer-at-allegro-networks/

What's either rather fascinating, or just a case of me retroactively joining dots that weren't there, is that there were odd reverse-echoes of this development in dotcom-1 (the people building the UI to manage QoS across businessy-businessy networks at about the same sort of time as Global Crossing/Exodus/C&W/FLAG were throwing fibre off boats and thus ensuring that QoS never quite became a thing. There was also the business of network admins not wanting to waste cycles on anything but getting packets off their kit as fast as possible, and the other business of no network kit ever ever having an API) and the thing at HPL called the UDC that became an un-project while I was on holiday. (Really. Came back to discover that this vastly expensive datacentre nailed to the side of Building-1 was A Datacentre, had never been the UDC, and that we had always been at war with Compaq. One of the many things that scuppered the thing was that while there was a click & drag UI (Umbongo Juju is not a new idea), it mostly just printed out instructions for network and unix admins to beetle off and set up VLANs and mountpoints. Because no network kit never ever bloody anything ever had an API.)

And then Juniper announced that you could reprogram their kit via Puppet. You can Puppet manage your Netapps, too. That'll be a case of the API docs being written on the wall.

spod comedy, hot enough for ducks, hatfield and the north

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