A couple of years ago, I was to be found mithering about crap Bristol car drivers parking on the pavement. I assume it's an extension of the 'leaving the hazard flashers on means I can park somewhere stupid' (lack of) thought process. It's as if they know they're doing something that's going to shite stuff up for other people, and they're making some strange kind of semi-socially-acceptable excuse/apology. Obviously, if you call them on it, they go all passive-aggressive on you.
The thing is, it's socially-enforced shit behaviour. A few people bung their cars halfway up on the pavement, and the next time you park up you're going to get funny looks if you don't join in. Even though it's illegal. At the point where everybugger's at it, it becomes de facto normality.
Perhaps I am failing to articulate just how much I detest such behaviours? Perhaps not. Perhaps I'd like to live in a town where pedestrians get priority instead of tosser car-pilots.
The rot's started in our street. Some twatmonkey in a MX5 has plonked his (or indeed her) hateful shitbox halfway up the pavement. I await developments with mild concern.
Poll Horrible horrible bastards