Fun with low-tech.

Jun 13, 2010 16:11

(And then somewhat less fun with computers.They'll be lovely when they're finished)

Flexifoil + SE cameraphone. As one might guess it was in flight-mode.

factor-50, fluke, filthy racket

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bogwitch64 June 13 2010, 17:12:15 UTC

What's that ruin--circular thingy?


jendama June 13 2010, 17:36:00 UTC
hirez June 13 2010, 19:33:32 UTC
I believe a pillbox of some flavour. There are remains of another downslope, though that might have been a reservoir for the nearby cottages.

It was a lot less of a ruin when I/we first encountered the thing.


bogwitch64 June 13 2010, 20:27:48 UTC
Ah, WW 1 or 2, I presume. ?


hirez June 13 2010, 20:55:20 UTC
I'm waiting for one of quercus or jarkman to pitch up with the facts of the matter, but I'm going to guess WWII.


jarkman June 13 2010, 22:19:44 UTC
I've always been puzzled by that thing.

There used to be more of it, but there was no sign of anything military about it. No slots to shoot through or anything like that, but no windows either. Just plain brick walls.

But it's a funny shape, and if it were (say) an obsolete TV or radio repeater I would expect it to be a boring square.

It is on the very highest point of the hill, but I don't think it is the hill you would choose if you wanted coverage of anywhere populated.

So, puzzled.


hirez June 13 2010, 22:46:27 UTC
Ah. Hm.

I imagine it wasn't a Starfish site.

I've had a Google with most of the names I can think of, and I've found nothing useful.

I wonder if it was a radar site?


quercus June 17 2010, 22:50:26 UTC
Top of the hill above Redcot?



jendama June 14 2010, 04:00:07 UTC
hirez June 14 2010, 15:46:40 UTC
Doubtful, since there isn't any sort of useful track/path to it. Brick-built and octagonal tends to mean pillbox or similar structure.


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