Geek joy / Highly milodes (again)

Apr 11, 2010 21:25

From left to right:

Soldering iron (circa 30 years old)
Dallas E20 board + rev B TINI (circa 11 years old)
SGI Indigo keyboard (Dunno. 10 years old?)
Taylec TINITutor board + rev D TINI (circa 11 years old) (Which I'll have to give back to quercus)
Modular Technology Interfaker 3 (circa 25 years old)
Custom Severed Heads mousemat (I forget. A lovely present, mind)
Sundry tools and serial conversion bits that are likely between 20-15 years old.

From this we can deduce two things:

a) I have been doing this hackery thing for quite a while now.
b) I still dislike RS-232.

As far as I can tell, the TINI boards both boot up (the LEDs certainly DTRT), but JavaKit on the PC doesn't spot them. This likely means that the serial cable or port on the PC is wrong in some manner. Which is where the Interfaker comes in. Getting JavaKit to work in the first place was a bit of a trial. Javaxcomm has become an un-library as far as Currant-bun/Oracle (Coracle?) is concerned.

I may not have much time for RS-232, but I fear I am having huge amounts of fun remembering how to get this stuff working.

Later... Ha! A runner! It DHCPed an address and now runs its webserver. Hurrah!.

hacking, spime, destination gas green

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