liz_lowlife mentions the re-emergence of
Streetsounds, the record label that was either a remarkable influence or the world centre of horrid townie music, depending on your attitude to breakbeats.
(Remarkable influence for me, obv. I mean, you couldn't go far wrong with a DMX, as both the Sisters and the High Fidelity Three proved.)
Anyway. At the bottom of that Streetsounds page, there's an Electro Chart that features
Electronautas, who are all sorts of excellent and feature a chap who's ex-demoscene. A guarantee of quality, I think you'll agree. You'll also find a fellow going by the name of
Dr. Schmidt, who is presumably to be found ripping up the dancefloors of the more progressive industrial clubs. (And if not, why not? Cloth-eared tosspots.) 'Resonator', for instance, is in the same patch-bank as Mr. Modulate of this parish, and is thus a most excellent racket.
Oh great christ. Hide the plastic.]