Jan 07, 2008 22:59
I am by no means a morning person. I am even less a winter morning person. It seems entirely wrong to scramble out of bed while it's still dark and for the sun to rise over the TA building while I'm waiting for a bus. But that is what I'll have to do until I get my cycling legs back.
To distract myself, I've been carrying around the MP3 player I've had since well before they were fashionable. It has a memory capacity of all of 256Mb, mostly because it can't cope with the 2G card I bought it as a present. Filesystem agoraphobia or the rubbishness of FAT16, I'll be bound. This means that I've been chopping and changing the tracks on the device. If they transport me out of the tedium of trundling slowly through Lawrence Hill, they can stay. Otherwise, they're deleted as soon as I get home and replaced with the next hopeful. Thus far, Oasis and the Silicon Teens have been replaced by the Who Boys and Sketetal Family. AC/DC, Severed Heads, Boards of Canada and Robyn Hitchcock are through to the next round.
Since I'm now surrounded by Apple kit, I should probably purchase one of their music players. However, I'm a contrary sod. Mind you, a deal of the OS X documentation reads like someone trying to explain Unix to aliens[1]. None of this 'Here's what a passwd file looks like; edit it with vi' or 'Bung yer timeservers in /etc/ntp.conf. Bosh. Sorted.', it's all 'serverAdmin -manglewurzel ftmpsh -trousers=false'. Which I suppose is jolly good in its own way, because it's a lot like Unix in much the same way that HP-UX is.
On the other hand, it's a lot more like NeXTStep. Right down to the terminal working much the same way with drag & drop from the UI and Interface Builder lurking in the SDK like the ghost of GUIs past.
I wonder if there's a 'pock!' noise in the sound library?
[1] Damn. I knew there was something I'd forget. This resonates with me right now because I'm trying to read an enthnographic report on a software development team (provided by the splendid Jarkwoman, WMOMNBOLJ). Thus far it reads like aliens explaining hackers to other aliens. There's just no common ground (Actually there bloody well is. I keep meeting people with the hacker mindset in all sorts of non-spod places. I don't believe there's any particular excuse for failing to spot engineer/artist types anymore. Unless you're fucking stupid and annoying.) so the rituals of coffee, meetings and shouting at managers are explained as if they were the curious acts of some Pacific island cargo cult...
... Actually...
Anyway. The OS X documentation struck me in the same way. The cultural assumptions are missing. Which is a good thing if you realise it and re-examine those assumptions, but a bad one if you grouse about inadequate documentation and how Gentoo is clearly better.
trouser enthusiasts,
wind up robot,