AA Milne and AA Gill (
BB King
CC Peniston (more or less)
DD Ramone (ditto) and DD Jackson (
ee cummings
FF Meta (Wins over FF VII through more surreal points.
GG Bailey (
HH Munro
II Captain (
mr_tom and
avocadovpx need professional help) and II Claudius (It's too late for
codepope though)
JJ Jeczalik
KK Downing
LL Bean (Got any better ideas?) LL Cool J (
yaruar and
diffrentcolours at about the same time)
MM Warburg (I'm keeping SS Great Britain now.
NN Pisharady (
yaruar is more subculturally clued than I)
OO Gauge (That's dreadful.
codepope) OO Matron (Equally dreadful.
PP Arnold (
QQ Plots (
easterbunny Sensible.) QQ Kachoo (
wehmuth Insensible.)
RR Lyrae (
miss_glitch) and RR Xing (
ellen_fremedon provides American arcana)
SS Great Britain (Yes, I know. See above about better ideas)
TT Races (And again) TT Boy (
yaruar again.) Pr0n stars are going to be too easy, I think.
UU Clock Tower (
easterbunny wins the Mrs. Joyful prize for raffia work.)
VV Mosshart (
despina) and VV Cephei (
yaruar again. That last one's genius.)
WW II (You sick children.
yaruar and
XX Sex (Fuzzbox EP)
YY(Y) Delilah (
jozafeen should be ashamed.)
ZZ Top
(Help required to fill in the blanks. People for preference, but bad puns and ludicrous ideas given equal consideration)
(And I deleted the bit about the obvious anal-microphone twonk not getting a look-in because I'm both careless and autocratic. Sorry about that.)
Dishonourable mentions for OO Typhoo, MM Mattesons, ZZ 9 (plural Z alpha), PP Le Pew and probably several more.