If you're the offspring of a Goon Show enthusiast like me, the name 'spon' will resonate strangely. (You'll have to your own Seagoon routines, I'm feeling a bit dim today.[1]) Grandfather had a cow named Spon, and another called Platerack, but that's a different story.
Thus I was more pleased than most to discover Spon End and the
associated website.
It appears the residents have never had to deal with the
Spon Plague though.
[1] Probably for the best, since it would be about as bad as unfunny twits emitting lines from Python/H2G2/R&M/Fast Show/The entirely unfunny thing with the chins/Whatever the kids are 'down with' this week.[2]
[2] How long will we have to wait for the first painfully bad telly-thing featuring (whatever)-macros?