May 02, 2007 19:28
Just back from the Trad Northern Malarkey. Saw some people, did some stuff, drank a metric fuckload of beer, bought CDs (Congotronics 2 and a Keith LeBlanc item that contains the single best Tackhead/Fats Comet mix ever. That and clothing purchase from the Tog24 shop seems to indicate that I can throw myself at g*th and comfortably miss. Result!) and talked complete shite at a range of patient subjects.
It looks like I've missed rather a lot in the last week. Um. I'm not sure what to do about that.
Oh, and: Don't park your vehicle along the Khyber Pass (it's the road that winds back up the cliff from the Magpie/Fish Market end) because the local scrotes will try to break in to the thing by attempted bending of the door-top and when that fails will shag up on of your tyres. What larks.
On the other hand, when I took the dead wheel along to the tyre-place, the chap there ("I bin thinkin' aburt goin' gothic, like.") discovered that someone had bodged in an inner tube. The failure mode of that combination is catastrophic and generally occurs at speed, so the useless Whitby toerags probably saved me from some unexpected earth-sky-earth-sky-hospital action.
nice game of plomley,
whit week malarkey,
zone seven