Mar 29, 2007 19:52
It looks like now would be a good time to submit stories to Interzone if you're looking for a rapid turnaround.
Hey, and indeed ho. Onwards and upwards.
I can't say I'm entirely surprised they didn't take to it, mind. I think the start needs a bit of a kick in the nads so it begins with more of a bang and less of an ugly sentence.
(I seriously need a writing usericon.)
In other news; tiresome Bristolian car drivers:
o You in the snot-green Micra on the school-run from Frenchay toward town. Yes, it's generally accepted that you leave cyclists more than six inches of clearance. I hope your children put the new waving gesture I demonstrated to good use.
o Arse-visage in the silver-and-rust Astra estate driving past the parade of shops on Fishponds road. Which part of 'Zebra crossing' do you have the problem with?
bloody car drivers,
well imagine my surprise,
lard and you