Mar 26, 2007 14:52
Things that are rather poor:
Non-CFI-unix wireless network support in KDE.
Come to think of it, PC music players are generally a bit rubbish.
I mean, by trying to make the sodding things look like a cheap and nasty 'hifi' unit, you've made a bugger of the desktop metaphor and have as good as admitted that your favourite UI toolkit's not up to the job.
The entire electrical system expiring on the 9000 with only mildly unfortunate timing last night. I spent several minutes grovelling through the fuse-panel (handily located in a cupboard just above the glove compartment, and there's a legend on the cupboard lid.) before reasoning that a complete failure was probably battery related. Which indeed it was. A good job there was a pair of pliers to hand in order to tighten up the loose positive terminal. Also a bloody good job it didn't work its way loose while on the move. That sort of thing tends to terminate alternators with extreme prejudice and moderate expense.
There still seems to be a very minor coolant leak, though. At least it's outwards, rather than inwards.
male voice choir,
the miller song,