Oct 28, 2006 13:37
One of the myriad channels that come vomiting out of the cable-box is the no bowels/no vowels version of Fox, FX TV. Presumably sanitised for the ickle flowers of the UK audience by the removal of the 'o', or perhaps the execs out there in teevee land think it's some jolly clever disguise, it's still right-wing filth of the most impressive order.
I didn't spot it at first; Buffy re-runs are Buffy re-runs. However, they're a season or two ahead of Ch-5 with NCIS. It's military CSI, by and large, which I can take or leave. Ok, there's a cute goth techie in there (for Hollywood versions of both cute and goth, so that'll be pejoratives where I come from) and David McCallum, but that's about it.
The FX season(s) are disturbingly fascistic in nature. The Enemy are turrists, either swarthy chaps or Ilsa SS-queen totty. The subordinates no longer question the authority of the (military) chap in charge. You can kick fuck out of suspects because Right is on your side. It was a jarring experience to watch a programme that I thought I knew, but that had seemingly been re-cut for a different audience/channel.
I started to pay more attention to the trailers for other programmes (I have no intention of watching any of the sick rubbish they peddle). They're all like that. Military/gun fetishism, convoys of black vans pull people off the street for over-zealous 'questioning', Johnny-foreigner turrists shoot children, rape helpless women and generally threaten the precious bodily fluids of middle America... It's hateful stuff, in many senses.
primary school but primed to kill,
male voice choir,