A sequence of commentary to a recent post (which has now wandered off into rat-fetish soap opera. Thankfully I don't watch anything like enough telly for it to make sense) reminded me that many things that are clearly considered funny by the majority, are in fact deeply depressing
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Some say that Comedy = Tragedy + Time, I argue that it's Tragedy + Distance.
Then again, the secret of good comedy is utimately, not timing, but *being funny*.
The only one I've managed to watch is the Christmas special.
Perhaps I am a simple sort who prefers redemption and closure in his stories.
Mind, anything Carla Lane touched ever can jolly well fuck off.
Christ, how many things I don`t get on with are one Xmas special short of me going "OH!"?
You're from Manchester. Knowingly sneering musical one-upmanship comes easy.
Wendy Craig was never going to be the acceptable face of Montpellier.
Though I have managed to watch Extras without too much pain. The last few were brilliant, actually.
I have an aunt and uncle who are Roseanne and Dan.
They even had the exact same piece of shit kitchen table. My aunt has the voice too, and is about as pleasant.
I'm not just saying that because they didn't make much TV about redneck po' folk back then.
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