One-stop shopping/No vowels no bowels

Sep 28, 2006 11:19

You can (and should, the live-in-Belgium version of 'Dead eyes opened' is particularly good) buy 'Viva! Heads!' from MusicNonStop. Here's a serviceable MP3 stream. Bargain!

In one or other of the Roadie Comics, hidden between the articles on dealing with bum-boils and which sarnie-glue is best (Branston, obv. Hellman's Jallop is artificial lard.) was an Aldi advert trumpeting (Oi! Spirit guide! No!) cheap winter cycling gear. I pitch up at the local one on the dot of just gone nine to discover a scrum of the fleece-clad manhandling the merch. TJ's moshpit experience comes in handy once again. Profit!

Hutchison-Whampoa appear to be less annoying than Cellnet and cheaper than Vodafone. Appear. Mind, the UI in the phone seems to have been 'designed' by someone in thrall to the Gnome project. The weblog client, ArRSSe reader and IMAP mailer may or may not turn out to be more use than a chocolate fireguard.

etacs, the ant can see legs, peloton

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