It's all a bit odd really. For the most part, I'm feeling reasonably cheery. In that there's a bunch of stuff that I should probably worry about, but worrying won't fix any of it, so, um, stincle. Previously I would have been near catatonic with fear, thus unable to work during the week and boozing heavily at the weekend. (And the bits of weekend
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I imagine that most people work it out for themselves if they get past the third week of any exercise regimen, but I tend to worry that I'll end up sounding like an over-enthusiastic PE teacher:
"You! In the black! Stop mithering around there! Three times round the 2ndXI cricket pitch!"
All lies of course. I burnt off the lurgi and the feeling horrible. It's just the lard to go.
(admittedly more so if you're at the head of the 50 mile pack).
R and I were wondering about doing the shorter version of the ride.
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