Welcome to hires_scarlett!

Jul 16, 2005 20:38

Welcome to hires_scarlett!

Here's where we'll share hires pictures of the beautiful wide-eyed ingenue Scarlett Johansson! We are the sister community to hires_hotties, hires_angelina, hires_drew, hires_natalie and hires_hunks. Give them a look, if you haven't already!

Please join - all members can post pictures. Pictures of anything Scarlett are welcome, BUT all pictures must be at least 800 pixel in size in heighth or width to be considered "hires". Please see the userinfo for details and all community rules.

All posts must be thumbnailed. No more than three thumbnails should be visible on the face of the post, and all other thumbnails should be behind an lj-cut. If you don't know how to use an lj-cut or to make thumbnails, please see userinfo for instructions.

All posts will be archived via the memories of this community, so that you can easily search for pictures by category. The memories can be accessed via the userinfo page (click on the little heart icon at the top center of the userinfo page). Please note that Imageshack-hosted photos aren't hosted forever, so be sure to right-click-save the photos you want to keep on your own computers.

This community is moderated by gypsyjolie and undeniablynikki. Please email us with any questions, suggestions, or issues (see user info page for email info).

Enjoy! ♥
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