I saw this meme on
turtlelikelemon journal a few days ago and I found it very funny. The original creator of the Song meme is
sacredlith so thanks her for the idea!
The Song meme is very simple. The rules are:
1. Open up your library (iPod, Winamp, iTunes, etc.)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For each question, type in what song is playing
5. Hit next for each question
Song meme
- What do people assume when they first look at me? - Baby I love You by Bee Hive from the anime Aishite Night. (Yes, I always knew... I'm irresistible!!!)
- What will be a big challenge in life for me? - Where are you tonight by Tom Johnston from the movie Dirty Dancing. (This is not a challenge! It's a dilemma!!!)
- Am I a good boyfriend/girlfriend? - You won't see me coming by Jean Jacques Burnel from the anime Gankutsuou. (I think that's mean... I'm a devil! Hehehe!)
- Do I have a Secret Admirer? - Let it out by Maho Fukuhara from the anime FMA. (?????)
- Will I ever become manically depressed in my life? - Que sera sera by Taso from the anime Crystal Blaze. (This speaks for itself.)
- Is someone trying to kill me? - Mindenki by LGT. (It's a hungarian band and the title of the song is "Everybody". So... then what's the meaning of "Baby I love You"?)
- What is my sexual preference? - Ojos Asi (Eyes like Those) by Shakira. (Oh, yeah! I am crazy about beautiful eyes)
- What am I afraid of? - Green bird by Gabriela Robin from the anime Cowboy Bebop. (If I misbehave the ugly big green bird will come and punish me.)
- What will I be doing in a few years? - Will you love me tomorrow by The Shirelles from the movie Dirty Dancing. (Who cares what will happen in a few years? But will you love me tomorrow?)
- What is some good advice for me? - Jóbarátok (Good friends) by LGT. (It’s clear I need more good friends)
- What should I do instead of this quiz? - Never looking back by Rie from the anime Crystal Blaze. (No more meme!)
- Will you get married? - Mostanában (Recently) by Illés & Zalatnay Sarolta from the movie Ezek a fiatalok. (Seriously?)
- What is the story of your life? - Pocsolyába léptem (I stepped into a puddle) by Takács Tamás DBB. (That’s mean I am a big loser?)
- How can you get ahead in life? - Sweetest Thing by U2. (Do I have to eat a lot of chocolate?)
- What is the best thing about your friends? - Miszter Alkohol (Mr. Alcohol) by Koncz Zsuzsa. (They're always drunk! LOL)
- What song describes you? - The Duel by Taku Iwasaki from the anime Rurouni Kenshin: Seisouhen. (I have a dual personality and they are always fighting with each other.)
- How does the world see you? - Overload by Zappacosta from the movie Dirty Dancing. (Is this good or bad???)
- Will you have a happy life? - Rockin’ all Night by BeeHive from the anime Aishite Night. (Oh, yes! I will!)
- How can I make myself happy? - Milord by Edith Piaf. (I need to get a boyfriend.)
- What should you do with your life? - Super Girl by Yasuyuki Okamura from the anime City Hunter. (I'm going to eat a lot of spinach and I will be like Popey!)
- Will you ever have children? - Again by Yui from the anime FMA. (Ask me again in a few years!)