Final Match Rikkai Second~!

Mar 08, 2010 15:11

Saaa~ now I'm motivated to write my own report XD (after reading another one..) Ok, I already wrote one, but in German... So, here's my bad-english one :3

When I entered Tokyo JCB Hall, everything just seemed so amazing <3 One Desk full with Tenipuri CDs & DvDs (Tenimyu-DvDs, Supporters DvDs, Tenimyu-CDs, Best Actor Series CDs, Some Tenipuri & OVA DvDs and some Character CDs). On the other 3 desks, they sold all the fanstuff. Photosets, Pamphlets (also old ones! <3), Calendars, and so on. All in all, I bought the Dream Live 3rd DvD (DL6 was already sold out.. *sad*), Supporters DvD 10 Part 2 (Part 1 was sold out, too..), Pamphlets (DL5, Hyotei, Higa, Shitenhoji, DL6 and Final Rikkai 2nd), some Photosets, Postcards, Yuu's and Daisukes Best Actor CD... uhm.. I think thats all.
Whaa, and finally sitting in that concert hall made me feel all happy *_* I had a place on the 3rd floor in the center, so I had a good view hat the stage, but it was quite far away...
Nya. And then it started.. <3
Ryoma sang a bit, Seigaku joined him. After that was a little replay of the Final Matches, looked really nice <3 (it amazed me how BabaTezuka slided on his stomach over the floor |D" doesn't it hurt?)
If I remember correctly, Rikkai had a nice Song at the beginning too.
(I'm very bad remembering the correct order, sorry for that).
After some great singing (I was already all *dokidoki* and happy and aww XD I clapped like mad, and wanted to shout some "whooo~!" and "yaaay~!", but japanese people all do just lame clapping, so it was really strange to make any other noises |D"") .. uhm... ah yeah. After some great singing, they showed the Tennis Court with Seigaku and Rikkai, but theres no Ryoma. D= Kin-chan asks Yukimura for a little match.
Scene-Change to Ryoma. He sings a quiet song. It goes like "Boku wa.. dare... Koko wa.. doko~ Kore wa... nani..?" something like that. I love that song <3
Kaidoh, Inui (wicked in bandages XD) and Momoshiro showed up, and one after another played against Ryoma. Bit by bit Ryoma got stronger and beat them, so they went 3 on 1. Here started another nice song.. <3
Whaa, I don't remember, but I know that I love all of them. Awr. XD
Next came the flashback, how Ryoma lost his memory. Nanjirou ran through the audience (Ueshima talked some weird stuff and everyone laughed xD of course I didn't understand a thing q.q) and Ryoma followed.
I liked the setting here very much :3 The waterfall looked really nice. Nanjirou gave Ryoma a branch and told him to use it as a racket. Of course, Ryoma failed. Nanjirou did some ass-shaking and Ryoma-teasing, but after some time he got bored and laid himself down to sleep. Meanwhile, Ryoma sang an awesome song about Teni Muho no kiwami, Muga no kyochi and that stuff. I like that song, and Ryuuki-chan did such an awesome solo >o<
Poor little I-can't-do-that-damn-stuff -Ryoma-chan then sat down and fell asleep. Next scene was cute, Nanjirou stood up and laid a blanket over Ryoma. I think he even gave Ryoma a little kiss on his forehead. He does love his stubborn son. <3
The next Day, Ryoma finally managed to hit the damn stone.
They somehow managed to shoot away the coming-down-the-waterfall tree, but Ryoma fell into the water. Next was a weird dream, blabla... back to the Tennis Courts, where the Rivals appeared.
Ryoma fought them one after another, but it wouldn't be Ryoma, if he wouldn't annoy them XD Yuuta got called "Ototo" again, Hiyoshi got a "Ge.. Ge... Gekoji?" from Ryoma (everyone laughed at that XD~), Akutsu got hit in da face~ again (and Ryoma said "Sumimasen!" in his cute I-don't-remember-who-I-am - way <3) and when Tanishi held Ryoma at his collar, Ryoma poket his stomach with the racket and said "daieto... daieto..." XDD~ gnahaha. At the end of his little Match, Tanishi gets hit by the Ball and drops half-dead. Momo and Kaidoh doing silent prayers for him, and Momo pokes his stomach with the racket xDD great.
After they were beaten, Atobe and Sanada appeard. Atobe got a part of his Koori no Sekai, yay :3
If I remember correctly, they sang another song together, when the matches were finished. And everyone sang a new version of their character songs <3 At Hiyoshi's Gekokujo dazeee~ I had to sing with them :D (Gekokujo daze.. hmm~ hmm~ hmmm~ xDD) uhm yeah.
Switch back to the tennis courts, Kin-chan was beaten badly by Yukimura. Shiraishi did some Kin-chan-touching and... uh... don't remember. |D"
After the 15-Minutes break, they played a video of Ryoma running back to the Nationals finals (Ryomas breathing sounded strange |D") and there he finally apperad, with another song.
While Ryoma was running, the Ichinen were also on their way back. This was one of those scenes that is in every musical a little bit different. When I first watched it, an ichinen (I don't remember who it was) bumped into Tanishi. Tanishi shouted at him, and the Ichinen started to cry and ran away. After that, Tanishi was like "oh my god what have I done, I made him cry q_q" and started to cry himself... XD so the ichinen came back, comforted him (I guess) and told him they should hurry.
When I watched it the second time, Ibu Shinji appeard and sang some weird stuff xD I didn't understand, but everyone laughed very much, so I just had to clap and laugh too <3 At the third time, also Shinji appeared and talked something. Again everyone laughed very much ^^~
After that, Shiraishi and Kin-chan started singing, but soon the others joined them. (Their singing and dancing was awesome. whee~!)
I guess after that the final match finally started. At first Ryoma played around so that the jacket fell off of Yukimura's Shoulders. At the beginning, Ryoma playes quite well, but when Yukimura's evil Tennis started, he had no more chances. Kin-chan danced a little bit with Ryoma and said something about how creepy Yukimura's Tennis is. During the Match, Seigaku sings to Ryoma, and after a while Rikkai also sings to Yukimura. Ah yeah, Yukimura also got a nice Song.
When Ryoma finally lost his senses, he totally panicked.. poor Ryoma q_q The screen got a weird color, and Ryoma sang a bit of that beautiful "Boku wa.. dare~".
At the background, a past-Nanjirou with chibi-Ryoma was shown, and he asked him if he enjoyed Tennis.
So, Ryoma goes into Teni muho no kiwami-mode and beats the crack out of Yukimura. Nanjirou appears, and everyone at seigaku is like "what the fuck, Ryomas Dad was that Samurai Pro?" |D"
During the Game, they played a little scene of Yukimura in the hospital. I guess the doctor told Yukimura that he can't play tennis ever again, and Yukimura shouted like hell. The Yukimura on the Court shouted too, and the game continued.
Ryoma asked him if he enjoyed tennis~
Uhm yeah. Ryoma finally won his match, Seigaku was totally happy (it was so adorable <3), Eiji jumped over the net and glomped Ryoma, the Regulas threw Ryoma into the air (eww.. tell me how to write that in english XD") and Fuji & Tezuka did some fanservice at the side, hawhaw. Touching~! Next, they joined the other Regulars and Tezuka congratulated Ryoma.

When the stage was empty again, one Regular came in, sang a part of "Banzai", jumped into the air, the next regular came in and sang his part. I love that song the most of all the final match-songs >_< It's so happy-go-lucky ;_; ♥ Fuji's jump looked gay, but he sang so adorable <3 (I still think Aiba was the best Fuji, but the 5th-Cast-Fuji got a nice voice~ )
Tezuka didn't sing & jump, but he carried the Nationals-Flag in <3 and gave it to Oishi, who was really happy too >o<
When I first saw that song, it made me so happy, I had tears in my eyes ><
But the next scene really made me cry...
Graduation time for Seigaku's third years...
The 3rd Years stood in a row, on the screen were sakura petals and sad music playing. Oh damn you.. *cries*
One regular was called after another, received their graduation.. uhm.. whatever-thing that is, bowed and stepped back. (they stood near the screen, backs to the audience)
After that, Fuji and Taka went to the front Part of the Stage, were the stairs were, said cute things to each other q_q (thank you for everything, It was, I think) and left the stage, going through the audience to the exit. Next came Inui, he called for Kachiro and gave him his precious Notebook.
The Golden Pair changed some sweet words (omg, just hug each other, please? q.q) and Eiji ran off. Oishi waited for Tezuka, they talked a bit and ran off too. (I really don't understand why NO ONE looks after the Actors. I mean seriously, they are right beside you, and you don't even turn your head to look at them >_<" *don't get it*)
The next Scene was cool.
Momo-now-Fukubuchou greeted his Ichinen (the audience), ran trough the audience, called one girl Ichinen, told her that she should stand up and swing the racked XD The girl did so, and *dannng~* clashed the racket against the nearby seat xDD everyone laughed and clapped. At another performance, Momochan stood in the crowd, shouted some things and we repeated it <3 I didn't understand the first few sentences, but the he said "Momo-chan daisuki" and everyone, including me, shouted "Momo-chan daisuki!!" XD~ It was so much fun <3
Kaidoh-Buchou and Momo-Fukubuchou did some fighting-like-always, and the new Buchous of the other Teams appeard. They talked a bit and necked each other |D Cute.
After some time, Sanada came with his 2nd-Place-Trophy, stared at it for some time and called his Rikkai.
He called each name of his Teammates, everyone bowed and we clapped. The Rivals did the same.
(I don't know the exact order of the following songs..)
We finally got to hear Seigaku 5th's Ballad, yay! It wasn't as good as the others (I love Oretachi no Aikotoba.. >o<) but still nice <3
Arigatoou~ *sings*
Then again the Song I like the most of this Musical *o* BANZAI!!!
Sung by the whole Cast this time, and oh God, I love it so much >o< It's such a happy song, and awww awww awwr~ wanna hear it now >_<
.. uhm yeah. They also sang "This is the Prince of Tennis" =D
Ryoma went over the stage, in the background you heard a plane. (and he wore that girly-looking handbag, wtf XD) He just wanted to leave, when Tezuka appeared and gave him his Racket. Suddenly, everyone (including Seigaku, Rikkai and the Rivals) showed up, pointed with their rackets at Ryoma and shouted "SHOBU!" (or something like that, I guess). Ryoma threw an imaginary ball into the air and when he hit it, the song started. <3
The bowing scene was cool too. Everyone was clapping like mad (me of course too. I'd love to shout "Whooo~" and "yaaay~" but I just did a few times... damn that silence.) and one after another actor showed. Akutsu-Juri did some awesome backflips, and I used that chance to shout and clap, whee XD~
At the first performance I saw (2010-03-01), Eiji jumped too, that always looks so amazing =D but he didn't jump, when I watched it the second time q_q (2010-03-03).
The third time was a surprise. (2010-03-07) Akutsu did his usual backflip, Eiji just ran normally to the front side of the stage. I just started to pout a little, when Fuji came and did some wtbfh AWESOME somersault in the air. O_O I was SO surprised XD YAAAY FUJIII! *clapclapclap* I never expected him to jump like that xD whee~
My Hands already hurted really bad from all the clapping |D' but when the curtain opened again...
Oretachi wa doko e iku no darouu~
Yeah! On my way! I love that song *O* (from those happy~songs I love FGKS, On my Way and Run Run Run the most.. <3) They sang and danced so great, we were clapping, I sang with them of course (I think some others did too), it was so great..
When they finished the song, I was really surprised... FGKS! 0.0 I never expected them to sing both songs.. <3
Now, FGKS was really the best of all.. they jumped into the audience (aww I want to sit there once... q_q), everyone clapped and me (and some others again I think) shouted the parts between the lines XD (I love the Dream Live 6th version, where the whole crowd shouts with them...)
I can't describe the feeling at that song.. it was just godlike (\*o*/)
When I watched it the 3rd time, my seat was at the very right side, very near to the stage (and on the 2nd floor, yay! Finally seeing more of the actors faces!)
When they sang, the actors often stood at the left or right edge of the stage. Once,  Niou looked to me (we were just 3 people in that block), so I waved, and he waved back and smiled XD kawaiii... And I saw Hide doing awesome hipswing ... o-m-g.
During FGKS, Atobe ran into the audience and stood on top of a stair, Sanada saw him, came to him and they dorked around together... xD Hi, Atobe x Sanada, anyone? *snigger*

Yeah... that's it. And oh my god I love it so much T-T that was the best thing I've ever seen. (I didn't understand a word, yeah, but it still was so great... but it would have been great to have someone to talk to...)
If you ever get the chance to watch a damn tenimyu - DO IT.
I would even go there to just watch "Banzai", "On my way" and "FGKS"... |D"

Tenimyu forever~! >_<

final match rikkai second, tenimyu, tokyo

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