Nothing much is going on today.
I just hope that today, in spite of all the craziness, I will still be able to find time to draw/write.
But, yeah, studying and applying for financial aids come first.
Slow meeple is slow...
On a much brighter note, went to 2 parties last night. One hosted by History of Science. Dude, how often is it that your own advisor hosts a party that has BEER! Unfortunately, he won't be serving whiskey XD Oh well... I might have whiskey tonight when I study for virology (Must... ace... viruses!!).
And, then there's the farewell party for our club president who's graduating this semester (We'll miss you, Issa! You've been wonderful! <3) We had Coldstone Cake, but it was small. Didn't get to have a piece (Oh well)
That said, I'm gonna make sure our club stops ordering from Papa John. There's another pizza place that's so awesome! I think it's called Mangia??? Anyways, they had Greek Pizza, and pizza styled in the color of the Italian flag!
Next time we ordered an Italian flag pizza, I'll take a picture of it and post it here on deviantart. Granted, it won't be considered "Artistic", but well, ITALIAN FLAG! *KERMIT HAND FLAIL*