Didn't get a whole lot done today

Sep 07, 2016 00:12

I tacked down the facing while watching most of "The Boxcar Children" this morning before work. (It's relatively nicely done, but the animation is pretty derpy. From what I remember of the book, which I read a bajillion years ago, they did a decent job of the plot, which I always appreciate.) This evening, after popping by my parents' to see if there were enough mother of pearl buttons for this thing (there aren't), I sewed boning channels on the corset, poked holes for grommets (I'll do the whacky hammering tomorrow), and sewed on the bottom binding. That is one good thing about the spandex in the corset fabric: straight-grain strips work great for binding! Also cut and sanded cable ties for the CB edges. I bleached the fringe, gave it a quick press with a hot iron to get some of the water out, and draped it over my drying rack to hopefully dry not-bunchy. There are still some splotchy spots but they're small enough I reeeeeally hope they won't be obvious, because I'm done bleaching.

I felt pretty productive, but there is still SO MUCH TO DO. Tomorrow morning I want to put in the grommets, insert all the boning, and put on the binding, at the very least. I also need to figure out how best to soften the scratchy lace I want to use for the neckline. What's the best thing? Fabric softener? Conditioner? Something Else That Works Better?

natural form, 19th c., green striped natural form

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