I have CADD, and I have it bad. Really bad.

Mar 17, 2016 20:37

So until a couple of days ago I'd been in a non-sewing slump for a couple of months. Like a 'sewing is stupid and I hate it and don't want to do it ever again' slump. Now suddenly I have done a complete 180, and I keep pulling out patterns and then reevaluating my costume-need-timeline and pulling out different/more patterns. Currently I want to work on all of these all RIGHT NOW:

olive green reticule. I just got an 18x18" swatch of pintucked green silk from a friend, and I thought 'hey, quick, pre-decorated reticule!' So I spent some time on Pinterest this afternoon amassing a board of reticules, and I have 3 ivory trims that might look good on it. I even pinned it into a few different shapes and took pictures of them. Thing is, the earliest I'll need a new reticule is May!

Regency day dress. I have some dark green cotton with a white pin-dot I got years ago for this purpose, and while looking through my stash for a DIFFERENT project I rediscovered it, and pulled it out thinking 'hey that wouldn't take too long! I'll make it just like my other cotton day dress....' But again, the earliest I'd need it is May.

'Teens or bustle-era summer dress. While rifling through my patterns, I found B6093 (the green view), and thought 'oh hey that would work for a summer sort of dress!' I even have a lightweight teal wool that might do. But the soonest I need the whichever-period summer dress is.....June!

Regency long stays. I have needed to make a new set of Regency stays since ever, and just haven't gotten around to it (because ew making stays, amirite). But I have two reasons to get them done now: Regency picnic in May and 1830s dance in August. I was about to pull out the pattern and my collection of canvas and twill and stuff and JUST BARELY stopped myself.

1830s dance dress. I'm not super-into pondering this right now, largely because I don't have any of the proper undergarments for 1830s, really, but it's on my mind. This will be for an event at Allaire Village on August 6th. I have yet to figure out what sort of dress I'll try to make.

regency parasol - I acquired a cheap parasol a few months ago, stripped it, made a pattern from the nylon that it came covered in, strengthened the action/top/whatever you call it, added a spike to the top, and cut out silk for the canopy. Now that it's all fixed up and ready to recover I want to do it NOW. (But of course I have no use for it until May.)

I got some cute fabrics for modern-type dresses when they were super on sale a month or so ago, and I've been slowly collecting the vintage patterns being put out by the big pattern companies, and I just want to make mockups and work out the kinks and make cute dresses - dresses for summer, because that's what they'll be. What month is it? March. I don't need them for several months.

And the thing for which I spent some time shopping at Jomar this morning, and a couple of hours trying to figure out how to recreate painting-sleeves this afternoon, is a pre-Raphaelite dress for an event in April. I really wanted to do the green dress I linked in a previous post, but I don't think I'll find a suitable fabric at a decent price, which leaves me looking to other paintings for inspiration. I've wanted to try my hand at the Accolade dress for years, and if that doesn't pan out I'll probably do something like this. More accurate than fanciful, IMO, but because of that very easy to accomplish! I even have the blue wool for the overgown... Though I really like the wee dagging on the sleeve linings, but have NO idea how to accomplish them (without taking a lot of time, I should add).

regency, costume-costumes, costume disease, 1830s, cadd, costume

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