Tapes have been on the petticoat for a couple of days. So unless I decided suddenly to put Real Closures on my redingote, I'm dressed for next weekend. Sewing day with my BFF wasn't actually that productive, but I was in an incredibly lazy mood, not helped by the drizzly dark weather! We met up for a quick lunch before going to see Kong, which was entertaining. I was really pleased that the relationship between Hiddleston's character and the female lead didn't result in romance! (Wait, you mean a male and female lead in a movie can end the movie WITHOUT making out? GASP) I took along the pattern pieces and muslin to cut out a mockup for my strawberry-print sundress, but felt seriously uninspired about that (largely because I didn't have my usual worksurface or sewing machine at hand) so that stayed in the bag. Instead I cut out a robot-print flannel sheet for my nephew - i.e. carefully measured and remeasured and cut out the corners - and worked on a whimsy.
So basically once JoAnn started carrying Nice Furs I wanted to recreate
this thing that a character in the anime Inuyasha has. He's a badass, definitely aimed at adult viewers, I think, and he has this huge furry....like....incarnation of his power, basically. Hard to explain without TMI, lol. So I decided I wanted to make one, just for funsies. Of course it won't be as humongo as his, because 1) I'm not THAT nuts and 2) my shoulders aren't broad enough to hold it! I got the fur almost a year ago now, and at one point struggled to put it through the sewing machine and gave up in despair when it wiggled ALL over the place (2-3" pile, anyone?). Then when I was searching for something handworky to take to sewing day I realized it would just be SO MUCH EASIER to handsew it, so that's what I did! I sewed the two torn halves together, then sewed that into one looooong tube. About 130" long. Today with a nice coupon I bought some white muslin to make a lining for it. Next step is to decide how I want to segment the lining, because no way am I just filling that length of tube with polyfil without anything keeping any of it in place!
I also picked up leather needles for my teacup bag, and interfacing and a zipper for the sundress, the lack of which were preventing me from proceeding. Of course now I shan't have much time to sew for like a week and a half, but at least I have the necessary tools!