Mar 09, 2017 22:46
I had off today, and although I got up really late (because I woke at 3:30 coughing and didn't go back to sleep until nearly 5, then the trash truck woke me at like 6something, and so on) I got a fair bit done. Yay! 5 loads of laundry: stripy sheer I got the other day, then a couple of normal washes, into which I threw 7 other lengths of fabric that needed washing, then fleece I got to make mermaid blankets for The Nieces; actually Cooked Something (I'm too lazy to cook about 90% of the time); and worked on the matelasse petticoat. I hemmed it by facing it with 2" twill tape, which I like doing for the nonbulky effect. Pleated it to the waistband, so it's about 80% done, now.
I debated how to do the waistband, as a self-fabric waistband would be mucho bulky, but the unbleached linen I have is way darker than the matelasse. I decided to use the matelasse for the outside of the bands, and back them with unbleached twill tape that will continue as the ties. Naturally (har har - unbleached, naturally, get it?) I don't have enough unbleached twill tape to do this. I have an uncut 10-yd reel of white tape, but I want it to match, dammit! So that's as far as I'll get before I pick up some twill tape tomorrow. Of course now that I want one there is no longer a 50% off coupon (it expired yesterday). Sad pandas.
matelasse petticoat,
being productive,
real life