Welcome to 2013

Jan 01, 2013 21:33

We made it, friends. We have officially entered 2013 without any major catastrophes. It's a miracle.

I spent NYE on my couch in my pjs with my boyfriend. It was simple and lovely. It was nice to have a holiday that was just ours. No obligations other than be clothed enough to answer the door when Danny's Chinese delivered our food.

As for resolutions, I'm not making any. Usually I make a few only to have them swiftly forgotten. This year, I'm going to skip the whole process. However, changes will be made. I'm going to be more conscious of what I eat. I'm going to go to the gym as often as possible. These two changes will hopefully get me into wedding dress shape. Lol or one can hope.

How is your 2013 so far?

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